Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tail Waggin Tuesday Vol 7

I am linking up with CMAE over at Live What you Love for Tail Waggin Tuesday!

Today's Topic is Share your Pet's Favorite Treat(s)

Macy has quite a few treats that she loves, but one of her favorites is..........


Image from google, dogs who love cheerios :)
Our Vet said they are low fat for such a small dog and we can easily train her with Cheerios, because we can reward her often.

She also loves her morning treat, we call them her "red bone" they are suppose to help with her bones and they smell pretty good too, they are cherry flavored. Orby's Hip Bone Jr's. If you have not given these to your dog, you should try them! You can order them online at Petco or get them at some local Pet stores.

Macy's FAVORITE treat of all time is Merrick Flossies, they are hard to come by right now and we have been saving what she has until we can replenish our inventory of them :) But she goes nuts over these!!


Macy and her Uncle Gizmo enjoying flossies!!
 Here in Eastern Iowa today we are suppose to have temps in the 90's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess we are skipping Spring and heading right for Hot and Humid Summer!

Hope you have a great Tuesday, can't wait to see what your pet loves!

Until next time,


Kristen said... [Reply]

Lol - love the pic of your dog in the cheerios box, too cute!

It's 90 here as well, but thankfully tomorrow some rain will be coming to cool us down. I also think we'll be having one hot summer, we've gotten off easy the past couple summers.

Rebecca said... [Reply]

I've never thought to give a dog Cheerios! Obviously they are a big hit with yours :) Such sweet pictures!!

Gabriella said... [Reply]

So cute...my dog loves the flossies too!

C Mae said... [Reply]

What a great idea!!! Cheerios! I love that your vet said you can use those as treats! Thanks so much for linking up!