Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It has been a few months since i have linked up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday! So i am happy to be back to it! Here are few things i am loving this week!

I'm Loving:  I am so excited because my sister and I are going to be doing the Color Run on October 6th in Des Moines. I will post more pictures after the run! I am hoping to do the run of the race so i can knock that off my 101 in 1001 days, but we shall see :)

I'm Loving:  That i have quit biting my nails and that they actually look half way decent :) HAHA, lets hope i can keep it up!

I'm Loving:  That one of our bathrooms is being painted as we speak! Can't wait to see how it looks, i will post pictures when it is all done in the next week or so! What color is your bathroom? I think it is one of the hardest paint colors to choose!

I'm Loving:  That the opening ceremonies of the Olympics start on Friday! I am really looking forward to watching them! I love the swimming and gymnastics, what is your favorite part?
I'm Loving:  My sweet hubby and my adorable fur baby Macy :)
Can't wait to see what you are loving today!

Happy Wednesday!

Until next time,


jessica said... [Reply]

I keep hearing about the Color Run, it looks like so much fun! I'm sure y'all will have a blast! :)

and yay for not biting your nails. I'm trying to stick to not biting mine too. lol

Lindsey said... [Reply]

I really wanted to do the Color Run when it was in Dallas earlier this year. It sounds like so much fun!
