Friday, April 29, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge Week 4

Linking up again for Week 4 of the Weight Loss Challenge with Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Running Backwards in High Heels.
I am a little sad this week, i had a zero pound weight loss! I am hoping it is because I am building muscle and muscle weighs more than FAT :)

I have been attending my boot camp class which is tough, but so worth the sweat and sore muscles :) I have also been drinking LOTS of water and no soda tomorrow marks 1 MONTH without any Diet Mt. Dew go me!! :) I have also been doing Jillian 2 days a week, i would much rather ride my bike or get outside, but we have had rain and cold weather for the last 2 weeks, where is the sunshine???

I also have been trying to watch my portions so I am not eating as much, I still eat 3 meals a day and try to have 2 snacks a day as well, my snack at work is usually an apple with some peanut butter and I am full and ready to hit the rest of the day and i can make it until 6:30 to eat dinner that way!

This weekend we are finally suppose to have some decent weather so I am hoping i will be able to ride my bike on Friday and on Saturday before the pre wedding festivities start ( my husband is the best man in a wedding on Sunday)

Everyone is doing such a great job on their weight loss! Keep up the great work!!

What are you doing to keep motivated?

Until next time,


Muffin Top to Smokin Hot said... [Reply]

You are doing great!

My motivation is my husband. If he weren't doing this right along side of me... I'd have long ago fallen off the wagon!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Mine went up and I really think it is muscle! :)

Sounds like you've been doing great! Keep it up!