Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekend Recap

Is it really Monday already??

We didn't have a real exciting weekend, it was nice to relax and get a few housekeeping duties done! On a good note, we had 70 degree weather this weekend! Sunday the weather was very warm and a bit humid and we were hit with some thunderstorms Sunday night, in some parts of Iowa they got hail around the size of BASEBALLS!! And today our high is suppose to be 45 degrees! We went from close to 80 to 45........ :(
I spent some time cleaning up our kitchen after the installation of our new appliances and trying to organize our refrigerator! I also needed to catch up some laundry do you ever feel like you are drowning in laundry??? Well that is how I felt this weekend! :) Usually I am pretty good about doing a couple loads during the week, but I was not good about it last week and since I was gone to Chicago the weekend before you can imagine I felt like this lady!!

Tomorrow starts my boot camp and I am excited to get ready for short weather and shed some of this "winter weight" I am sure I will not be excited about it once it starts, but in the end I will be happy about it! 
I also spent some time watching the Eagles, as mentioned in my previous post, I watched all evening on Friday and guess what the egg hatched around 2 a.m.!!! I was so sad I missed it, but the baby eagle is so funny and the second egg hatched on Sunday, so I am hopeful the third egg hatches today, so all the kids that have been following this in school get to see it :) Here is a link to watch the second egg hatch and to see both the mom eagle and dad eagle, it is interesting!

Next weekend, I am going to try and get a head start on my flowers! I have an idea of what I want to get, it is just getting around to doing it :) What do you plant? I am needing suggestions for full sun and partial sun?  

I have a busy work week this week, so I will try and keep up with blogging! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Did you do anything fun?

Thanks again to my followers and for you comments! I love getting comments and hearing feedback!!

Until next time,


Unknown said... [Reply]

haha I feel like the lady under the laundry every weekend -- I don't know how my husband manages to wear SO many changes of clothes lol =)

Unknown said... [Reply]

I am a fan of Geraniums, Vincas, and Petunias. I've planted those for two years now, and they always seem to do the best for me. A strong wind won't destroy them and they come back quickly if you forget to water them. My geraniums have lasted up through November if the weather was mild. I always go to Cedar River Garden Center in Palo. They have an awesome selection for plants and colors :)