Sunday, April 10, 2011

101 things in 1001 days!

So I have been really trying to do some of the things on my 101 in 1001 days list, so this weekend the hubby and I decided we were finally going to purchase some new bikes! He has been wanting one since the day we got married (which is almost 4 years already!) So we had quite a few errands to run and after we were done with errands, we stopped at Scheels All Sport and were looking around, I told Joe to pick one he liked and I would find one I liked! So the funny thing was we both ended up picking the SAME bike :) I really wanted to get a pink bike...... but unfortunately, this bike only comes in black. So I added a pink water bottle holder, water bottle and helmet :) We also got these small computers to show us how far we are riding and other cool information! We went for our first ride today around 5 miles, so I am happy because I can add riding a bike to my Weight Loss Challenge! I am now on the look for a nice used pull behind trailer so we can take Macy with us, she loves to go on walks and also rides in the car, so I think this will be great for her!

Along with getting great exercise with the bike, we are also going to be doing the Tour De Cure for the American Diabetes Association this summer here in Iowa, so I need to get moving on the bike so I can make the 25 mile ride! :)

Since I am blogging today! I also get to knock another thing off my list and that is #48 blog for entire week! Today meets my 7 days of blogging! I also tried Sushi this week, for the first time so thanks to my boss Jill, who let me try her Shiitake Mushroom roll, just one more flavor to try! WOW, i did quite a few things this week!!

If anyone else is doing 101 things in 1001 days, how are your goals coming along?

We also got to grill for the first time this weekend and it was GREAT!! Today the weather is HOT and HUMID in Iowa, we are use to the humidity, but not until July, we are expected to get some severe storms tonight, so I am hoping they will not be as bad as they have been talking about. The high so far today is 84 degrees! Tomorrow it is suppose to be in the low 50's what a drop huh?

I also could not blog without showing you the cutest picture of Macy, she was tired this weekend and I came up on her laying on the couch on the blanket just like this! How sweet is this? I don't think it gets any better than seeing your cute little 4 legged baby just laying there!!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!

I almost forgot to post this! I small sight of SPRING! My perennials are just starting to peek out from the ground!! :)

Until next time,


Unknown said... [Reply]

These lists are so much fun! You got a lot crossed off this weekend.

I'm doing a 27 things to do while I'm 27 list! :)

jessica said... [Reply]

Oooh new bikes, that sounds like so much fun! :)

and Macy is adorable, I love catching them so peaceful like that!!