Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Linking up with Jamie again for What I'm Loving Wednesday! I really enjoy seeing what everyone else is loving! :)

I'm Loving: Trader Joe's Almond Butter, was glad i got some more while i was in Chicago this past weekend! YUM

Images from google

I'm Loving: My Nook Color! I was unsure how i would like not having a "book" but this is just so much easier to carry everything, books, magazines, plus i can browse the web with it too, and i love how it reads the kids books out loud! SO cute!!

Image from google
I'm Loving: That we are seeing the sights of Spring, the grass is getting green and we are starting to see bulbs on the trees and some of my annual plants are just starting to come out of the ground!! What type of flowers or plants do you plant at your house?

I'm Loving:  My Kodak Pulse digital picture frame Joe got me for Christmas, it is great! When someone has a picture loaded to facebook and they tag me, it sends the picutre to my frame and I can add it if I want to, it does not have a memory stick, so everything is done from any computer you are at!! Everyday I have new pictures being sent to it! <3

picture taken from google
 I'm Loving: My 2 new Vera Bradley items I bought over the weekend! I needed a new make up bag and wanted to get a colorful wallet for the summer!

Pictures take from
 I'm Loving: My wonderful husband and sweet fur baby :) Macy is so anxious to see us when we get home from work, I love to hear her barking when I walk in the door, so sweet!! What does your pet do when you get home to show you they are excited?

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Looking forward to seeing what you are loving today!!

Until next time,


Anonymous said... [Reply]

Oh how I love your cute VB purchases!

Kendall said... [Reply]

I love Vera Bradley!!! I have the same print in a travel tote! So cute! VB is sooo addicting!

Kit said... [Reply]

Great things that you are loving today! I love almond butter too! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tatiana said... [Reply]

that VB is SO adorable! Love her stuff!

Simplyheather said... [Reply]

I seriously need to try this almond butter, I've been hearing about it but still haven't tried it. I love seeing the sights of Spring. The grass, the afternoon showers (in florida) the birds! So many birds!