I was terrible about taking pictures this weekend, so I just have a few :( I think I was just excited to play with Lily and enjoy the weekend with everyone!
We arrived in the Chichagoland area Friday evening, first we stopped at the Aurora outlet mall and enjoyed a little bit of shopping and my sister had to get a snack at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, she decided on the butterfinger covered apple this time, I tried one piece and it was pretty good :) (Sorry no picture, but you can check out the link)
On Friday night we all went to eat at Moe's restaurant I tell you Lily is just so funny and she is a good eater, you should see her fine motor skills :) Plus she LOVES to drink of the BIG girls cup with a straw!
Saturday Jaime and I headed off on the train for the ride into downtown Chicago for some shopping! I had a few places I wanted to hit up and get some of my favorites at. We headed back to the Union Station and got Jamba Juice, we felt pretty good about being on time and not missing the train, the departure time was 5:09, so we boarded early at 4:30 and about 2 minutes after we sat down the train took OFF!! We thought oh my goodness, I hope we are on the right one :) We made it back safe and sound, but you just never know haha! Have you ever had any experiences where you have missed a flight/train or ride?
We waited in line at Garrett Popcorn for almost 45 minutes, but you can't go to Chicago without getting it :)We left with about $24.00 worth of Cheese and Caramel popcorn :)
That night we headed off to eat and head to the mall with everyone and Lily just loves to to chatter, she is so funny! She just chatters and waves to people as she is strolling in her stroller, Jen put her hair in piggys, and they were SO cute while they lasted :) We had a wonderful time with everyone and I was very SAD to leave, I hope we get to see them again very soon, she is growing too fast and she is doing something new everyday!
I should be posting about our new appliances that were suppose to arrive on Monday, but I will have to wait until Thursday because that is when they are coming now!
I am going to be starting my "boot camp" on Tuesday really looking forward to it, even if it means I won't be able to walk for a couple days :)
So here is a picture of my undecorated and boring office space at work, I am needing some serious suggestions on ways to spruce it up with some color and cute organization ideas! Please leave comments with ideas or links!!!
I have 8 recommendations for good books to read for my 101 in 1001 days, so I am still needing some more, so please leave your comments with your recommendations, this is what I have so far :) Dave Ramsey's total money makeover, Lovely Bones Alice Sebold, Heaven is for Real Todd Burpo, The Icing on the Cupcake Jennifer Ross, Water for Elephants Sara Gruen, Light a Penny Candle Maeve Bincy, Nineteen Minutes Jodi Picoult and One for the Money Janet Evanovich.
I hope everyone is having a great week, I have a feeling it is going to be a long week........ looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend with my hubby and little Macy :) Here is a picture of Macy with her favorite Chew Merrick Flossies and her favorite blanket :)
Missing this cute face already!
Until next time,
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