Hey everyone! I am hoping I can get some help from you! I am wanting to have a "reply" button on my comments, so I can thank you and reply to your comments. Does anyone know how I can do this? I would also like to know how that reply can be sent to their email, so they know I sent a comment back :) I tried a tutorial, but I am not sure if I am missing something or not doing it right! ( I did add my blogger number, but I dont' see the reply button on my blog, oh boy.... html :))
Also still needing suggestions to help decorate my work space at work, check out the pictures here.
Thanks for helping! Also thank you to my wonderful followers all 12 of you! :) I am really loving the blogging world :)
Until next time,
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Linking up with Jamie again for What I'm Loving Wednesday! I really enjoy seeing what everyone else is loving! :)
I'm Loving: Trader Joe's Almond Butter, was glad i got some more while i was in Chicago this past weekend! YUM
I'm Loving: My Nook Color! I was unsure how i would like not having a "book" but this is just so much easier to carry everything, books, magazines, plus i can browse the web with it too, and i love how it reads the kids books out loud! SO cute!!
I'm Loving: That we are seeing the sights of Spring, the grass is getting green and we are starting to see bulbs on the trees and some of my annual plants are just starting to come out of the ground!! What type of flowers or plants do you plant at your house?
I'm Loving: My Kodak Pulse digital picture frame Joe got me for Christmas, it is great! When someone has a picture loaded to facebook and they tag me, it sends the picutre to my frame and I can add it if I want to, it does not have a memory stick, so everything is done from any computer you are at!! Everyday I have new pictures being sent to it! <3
I'm Loving: My 2 new Vera Bradley items I bought over the weekend! I needed a new make up bag and wanted to get a colorful wallet for the summer!
I'm Loving: My wonderful husband and sweet fur baby :) Macy is so anxious to see us when we get home from work, I love to hear her barking when I walk in the door, so sweet!! What does your pet do when you get home to show you they are excited?
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Looking forward to seeing what you are loving today!!
Until next time,
I'm Loving: Trader Joe's Almond Butter, was glad i got some more while i was in Chicago this past weekend! YUM
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Images from google |
I'm Loving: My Nook Color! I was unsure how i would like not having a "book" but this is just so much easier to carry everything, books, magazines, plus i can browse the web with it too, and i love how it reads the kids books out loud! SO cute!!
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Image from google |
I'm Loving: My Kodak Pulse digital picture frame Joe got me for Christmas, it is great! When someone has a picture loaded to facebook and they tag me, it sends the picutre to my frame and I can add it if I want to, it does not have a memory stick, so everything is done from any computer you are at!! Everyday I have new pictures being sent to it! <3
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picture taken from google |
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Pictures take from verabradley.com |
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Looking forward to seeing what you are loving today!!
Until next time,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Weekend Fun
I was terrible about taking pictures this weekend, so I just have a few :( I think I was just excited to play with Lily and enjoy the weekend with everyone!
We arrived in the Chichagoland area Friday evening, first we stopped at the Aurora outlet mall and enjoyed a little bit of shopping and my sister had to get a snack at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, she decided on the butterfinger covered apple this time, I tried one piece and it was pretty good :) (Sorry no picture, but you can check out the link)
On Friday night we all went to eat at Moe's restaurant I tell you Lily is just so funny and she is a good eater, you should see her fine motor skills :) Plus she LOVES to drink of the BIG girls cup with a straw!
Saturday Jaime and I headed off on the train for the ride into downtown Chicago for some shopping! I had a few places I wanted to hit up and get some of my favorites at. We headed back to the Union Station and got Jamba Juice, we felt pretty good about being on time and not missing the train, the departure time was 5:09, so we boarded early at 4:30 and about 2 minutes after we sat down the train took OFF!! We thought oh my goodness, I hope we are on the right one :) We made it back safe and sound, but you just never know haha! Have you ever had any experiences where you have missed a flight/train or ride?
We waited in line at Garrett Popcorn for almost 45 minutes, but you can't go to Chicago without getting it :)We left with about $24.00 worth of Cheese and Caramel popcorn :)
That night we headed off to eat and head to the mall with everyone and Lily just loves to to chatter, she is so funny! She just chatters and waves to people as she is strolling in her stroller, Jen put her hair in piggys, and they were SO cute while they lasted :) We had a wonderful time with everyone and I was very SAD to leave, I hope we get to see them again very soon, she is growing too fast and she is doing something new everyday!
I should be posting about our new appliances that were suppose to arrive on Monday, but I will have to wait until Thursday because that is when they are coming now!
I am going to be starting my "boot camp" on Tuesday really looking forward to it, even if it means I won't be able to walk for a couple days :)
So here is a picture of my undecorated and boring office space at work, I am needing some serious suggestions on ways to spruce it up with some color and cute organization ideas! Please leave comments with ideas or links!!!
I have 8 recommendations for good books to read for my 101 in 1001 days, so I am still needing some more, so please leave your comments with your recommendations, this is what I have so far :) Dave Ramsey's total money makeover, Lovely Bones Alice Sebold, Heaven is for Real Todd Burpo, The Icing on the Cupcake Jennifer Ross, Water for Elephants Sara Gruen, Light a Penny Candle Maeve Bincy, Nineteen Minutes Jodi Picoult and One for the Money Janet Evanovich.
I hope everyone is having a great week, I have a feeling it is going to be a long week........ looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend with my hubby and little Macy :) Here is a picture of Macy with her favorite Chew Merrick Flossies and her favorite blanket :)
Missing this cute face already!
Until next time,
Friday, March 25, 2011
I am taking a half day of vacation today to go and see this cute face!!
And of course my brother and sister in law!! :)
I will be back on Sunday night to post about our fun weekend!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Until next time,
P.S. If you have book recommendations for me, please leave them in the comments, I have around 10 so far, for my 101 in 1001 days, and I have those recommendations added to my wish list on my Nook! :)
And of course my brother and sister in law!! :)
I will be back on Sunday night to post about our fun weekend!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Until next time,
P.S. If you have book recommendations for me, please leave them in the comments, I have around 10 so far, for my 101 in 1001 days, and I have those recommendations added to my wish list on my Nook! :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
I'm linking up with Jamie again today for What I'm Loving Wednesday, to be honest I can't believe it is Wednesday already! If you are not linking up with her, you should be! Also it is great to see what everyone else is loving this Wednesday!!
I'm Loving: My Dymo Label maker! I just can't imagine being as organized and knowing where things are without it! It is really inexpensive and well worth it, if you are thinking about getting one! I have had this for over 4 years, but I still love it and use it quite often!
I'm Loving: That I get to go to Washington D.C. for work in April, first I am excited to be given this opportunity to go and learn all about the project that will be presented. Second, I will just be catching the end of Cherry Blossom season so I am thrilled that I will get to see how beautiful they are in person. Third I am hoping I get to stop at DC cupcakes while I am there and pick up some cupcakes to bring back to my co-workers :)
I'm Loving: That this weekend I will be heading into the Chicago area, to see my brother, sister in law and my BEAUTIFUL niece, my sister and I are making the road trip, it is going to be so fun! Any of your favorite places I should try to make it to? Shopping or eateries?
I'm Loving: That my new dishwasher and Refrigerator will be here Monday, looking forward to coming home and seeing them!! We were in need! I will have to post some before and after pictures of our kitchen, once everything is done! :) What is your favorite kitchen appliance you have, or item you could not live without in your kitchen?
I'm Loving: That it is Spring, but we are not having very Spring like weather here in Iowa, we are suppose to get flurries today!! YUCK, hopefully the spring weather will be here shortly!!!
What are you loving this Wednesday?
I am also needing some suggestions on things to help decorate my work space, do you have any great accessories that are MUST haves for an office! Let me know :)
Happy Wednesday!
Until next time,
I'm Loving: My Dymo Label maker! I just can't imagine being as organized and knowing where things are without it! It is really inexpensive and well worth it, if you are thinking about getting one! I have had this for over 4 years, but I still love it and use it quite often!
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(taken from google images) |
I'm Loving: That I get to go to Washington D.C. for work in April, first I am excited to be given this opportunity to go and learn all about the project that will be presented. Second, I will just be catching the end of Cherry Blossom season so I am thrilled that I will get to see how beautiful they are in person. Third I am hoping I get to stop at DC cupcakes while I am there and pick up some cupcakes to bring back to my co-workers :)
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(Taken from google images) |
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Every year my sister and I try to take a good picture together, hopefully we can get some fun ones, this weekend!! |
I'm Loving: That my new dishwasher and Refrigerator will be here Monday, looking forward to coming home and seeing them!! We were in need! I will have to post some before and after pictures of our kitchen, once everything is done! :) What is your favorite kitchen appliance you have, or item you could not live without in your kitchen?
I'm Loving: That it is Spring, but we are not having very Spring like weather here in Iowa, we are suppose to get flurries today!! YUCK, hopefully the spring weather will be here shortly!!!
What are you loving this Wednesday?
I am also needing some suggestions on things to help decorate my work space, do you have any great accessories that are MUST haves for an office! Let me know :)
Happy Wednesday!
Until next time,
Thursday, March 17, 2011
My 101 in 1001 Days
About The Project
Sponsored by Day Zero, the home of the 1001 Day Project. A unique challenge that inspires you to set and achieve your personal goals in life.
The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.
(Taken from http://www.dayzeroproject.com/)
Start Date: March 17, 2011
End Date: December 13, 2013
Bold- Goals that are in progress
Strikethrough- Goals that have been completed
1. Compliment someone everyday for 10 days straight.
2. Pay for someone else’s food behind me at the drive-thru.
3. Develop a workout routine.
4. Finish our basement. (drywall and carpet)
5. Plant more flowers around our house in the Spring of 2011 and 2012. 0/2
6. Attend church at least 2 times a month for a year 0/24
7. Buy something from Etsy.
8. Buy a DSLR camera.
9.Cook Thanksgiving dinner. Did on 11/24/10, hope to do it again!
10. Take our dog Macy on more walks, nights when I am home, weather permitting.
11. Pay off my credit card.
12. Go skydiving.
13. Go scuba diving.
14. Have a baby.
15. Run a 5K race.
16. Update my passport.
17. Learn basic sign language.
18. Take a cooking class.
19. Host a cookie exchange around the holidays.
20. Do Farrells Extreme Body Shaping 10 week class.
21. Visit Niagara Falls.
22. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all. 0/20. Taking suggestions, please leave your recommendation below :)
23. Take a photography class.
24. Start a new family tradition.
25. Start saving more for retirement.
26. Get 100 followers on my blog. 7/100
27. Buy new energy star appliances for kitchen. 2/4 We decided we NEEDED (and we really did) a new dishwasher and Refrigerator, we got an invite to an extra 15% off, can't beat sales!! :) 2 down 2 to go!
28. Adopt another 4 legged fur baby.
29. Not log in to facebook for a week (7 days)
30. Quit biting my nails.
31.To get a new hobby.
32. Get someone else to do the 101 in 1001 days.
33. Donate a toy for toys for tots.
34. Try a new recipe every month for 6 months. 0/6
35. Participate in a "boot camp." Start April 4th
36. Learn to crochet.
37. Buy a new lap top computer.
38. Use more coupons.
39. Get a massage.
40. Get a facial 2 times this year. 0/2
41. Enjoy a day with NO TV.
42. Decorate my work space at work.
43. Attend a home and away Iowa Hawkeye Football game. 0/2
44. Make homemade pasta. Found a recipe tonight!
45. Try something new off the menu at 3 restaurants we go to frequently. 0/3
46. Have a garage sale.
47. Improve my posture.
48. Blog every day for a week.
49. Swim with dolphins.
50. Visit a zoo.
51. Sing karaoke.
52. Go para sailing.
53. Buy a bicycle.
54. Complete the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) class.
55. Attend the Iowa State Fair in 2011 and 2012.
56. Eat Sushi, try 2 different types. 0/2
57. Take a unplanned weekend road trip with the hubby.
58. Buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it.
59. Give up soda for 3 months.
60. Go to our local farmers market and buy local /fresh produce.
61. Turn my blackberry off for the weekend.
62. Leave a 100% tip.
63. Recycle more, look at things before throwing them away.
64. Write a hand written letter to my friends instead of emails. 0/5
65. Stop using plastic bags, use reusable bags.
66. Mow the yard.
67. Write a living will.
68. Get family pictures taken.
69. Go 5 days (a work week) without spending money.
70. Bake cupcakes from scratch. Have the recipe, now i just need to make them
71. Try a spinning class.
72. Buy new glasses.
73. Dress up for Halloween.
74. Plant a vegetable garden.
75. Spend a day at the beach.
76. Stay at a bed & breakfast.
77. Take a tropical vacation.
78. See a movie in 3D.
79. Plant a tree in our backyard.
80. Save $5 for every task I complete.
81. Develop a better skin care routine.
82. Travel to and eat at 3 restaurants featured on Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives. 0/3
83. Ride in a hot air balloon.
84. Visit a state or location I have never been to.
85. Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011.
86. Send anonymous flowers to someone who is having a tough day.
87. Attend the midnight premiere of a movie.
88. Attend the Des Moines Farmers Market.
89. Kiss in the rain.
90. Explore 3 towns in Iowa, that we have ever been to.
91. Attend a wine tasting.
92. Host a giveaway on my blog, when I reach 100 followers :)
93. Try 5 new restaurants.
94. Expand my vocabulary by 100 words. 0/100
95. Subscribe to 3 new magazines. 1/3 1. Everyday Food
96. See 10 movies in the theatre. 0/10
97. Get a professional teeth whitening.
98. Fill our empty picture frames and hang them.
99. Walk and raise money for the JDRF walk.
100. Buy more AMERICAN made products
101. Drink green beer on St. Patricks Day.
Please become a follower, so you can see my progress!!
Sponsored by Day Zero, the home of the 1001 Day Project. A unique challenge that inspires you to set and achieve your personal goals in life.
The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.
(Taken from http://www.dayzeroproject.com/)
Start Date: March 17, 2011
End Date: December 13, 2013
Bold- Goals that are in progress
1. Compliment someone everyday for 10 days straight.
2. Pay for someone else’s food behind me at the drive-thru.
3. Develop a workout routine.
4. Finish our basement. (drywall and carpet)
5. Plant more flowers around our house in the Spring of 2011 and 2012. 0/2
6. Attend church at least 2 times a month for a year 0/24
7. Buy something from Etsy.
8. Buy a DSLR camera.
10. Take our dog Macy on more walks, nights when I am home, weather permitting.
11. Pay off my credit card.
12. Go skydiving.
13. Go scuba diving.
14. Have a baby.
15. Run a 5K race.
16. Update my passport.
17. Learn basic sign language.
18. Take a cooking class.
19. Host a cookie exchange around the holidays.
20. Do Farrells Extreme Body Shaping 10 week class.
21. Visit Niagara Falls.
22. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all. 0/20. Taking suggestions, please leave your recommendation below :)
23. Take a photography class.
24. Start a new family tradition.
25. Start saving more for retirement.
26. Get 100 followers on my blog. 7/100
27. Buy new energy star appliances for kitchen. 2/4 We decided we NEEDED (and we really did) a new dishwasher and Refrigerator, we got an invite to an extra 15% off, can't beat sales!! :) 2 down 2 to go!
28. Adopt another 4 legged fur baby.
29. Not log in to facebook for a week (7 days)
30. Quit biting my nails.
31.To get a new hobby.
32. Get someone else to do the 101 in 1001 days.
33. Donate a toy for toys for tots.
34. Try a new recipe every month for 6 months. 0/6
35. Participate in a "boot camp." Start April 4th
36. Learn to crochet.
37. Buy a new lap top computer.
38. Use more coupons.
39. Get a massage.
40. Get a facial 2 times this year. 0/2
41. Enjoy a day with NO TV.
42. Decorate my work space at work.
43. Attend a home and away Iowa Hawkeye Football game. 0/2
44. Make homemade pasta. Found a recipe tonight!
45. Try something new off the menu at 3 restaurants we go to frequently. 0/3
46. Have a garage sale.
47. Improve my posture.
48. Blog every day for a week.
49. Swim with dolphins.
50. Visit a zoo.
51. Sing karaoke.
52. Go para sailing.
53. Buy a bicycle.
54. Complete the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) class.
55. Attend the Iowa State Fair in 2011 and 2012.
56. Eat Sushi, try 2 different types. 0/2
57. Take a unplanned weekend road trip with the hubby.
58. Buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it.
59. Give up soda for 3 months.
60. Go to our local farmers market and buy local /fresh produce.
61. Turn my blackberry off for the weekend.
62. Leave a 100% tip.
63. Recycle more, look at things before throwing them away.
64. Write a hand written letter to my friends instead of emails. 0/5
65. Stop using plastic bags, use reusable bags.
66. Mow the yard.
67. Write a living will.
68. Get family pictures taken.
69. Go 5 days (a work week) without spending money.
70. Bake cupcakes from scratch. Have the recipe, now i just need to make them
71. Try a spinning class.
72. Buy new glasses.
73. Dress up for Halloween.
74. Plant a vegetable garden.
75. Spend a day at the beach.
76. Stay at a bed & breakfast.
77. Take a tropical vacation.
78. See a movie in 3D.
79. Plant a tree in our backyard.
80. Save $5 for every task I complete.
81. Develop a better skin care routine.
82. Travel to and eat at 3 restaurants featured on Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives. 0/3
83. Ride in a hot air balloon.
84. Visit a state or location I have never been to.
85. Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011.
86. Send anonymous flowers to someone who is having a tough day.
87. Attend the midnight premiere of a movie.
88. Attend the Des Moines Farmers Market.
89. Kiss in the rain.
90. Explore 3 towns in Iowa, that we have ever been to.
91. Attend a wine tasting.
92. Host a giveaway on my blog, when I reach 100 followers :)
93. Try 5 new restaurants.
94. Expand my vocabulary by 100 words. 0/100
95. Subscribe to 3 new magazines. 1/3 1. Everyday Food
96. See 10 movies in the theatre. 0/10
97. Get a professional teeth whitening.
98. Fill our empty picture frames and hang them.
99. Walk and raise money for the JDRF walk.
100. Buy more AMERICAN made products
101. Drink green beer on St. Patricks Day.
Please become a follower, so you can see my progress!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
I am linking up with Jaime again for What I'm Loving Wednesday
This is What I'm Loving on the this Beautiful Wednesday.......
I'm Loving Chobani Pineapple yogurt! It is great, if you have not tried I would recommend you get some! If you can find it :) I have looked at every store in our area, I have bought the few I could find, so I am saving them for lunch for the week. When I first tried it I was unsure how I was going to like it, but as I kept eating it I realized it was going to be a new FAVORITE!
I'm Loving: My Infrashine hair straightner, I have had this for over a year, but I still love it!! :)
I'm Loving: Aveda Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightner, I love ALL Aveda products, but this is one of my favorites, it helps my curly hair look great when I wear it straight! You can use just a little bit and it goes a long way on your hair. It is worth the splurge, if you have curly hair and want it to look great without frizz when you straighten it.
I'm Loving: Of course my little Macy girl and my sweet Hubby :) My hubby brought my little Macy to work to visit me and all my co-workers on Tuesday! It was a great little break in the work day! <3
Until next time,
This is What I'm Loving on the this Beautiful Wednesday.......
I'm Loving Chobani Pineapple yogurt! It is great, if you have not tried I would recommend you get some! If you can find it :) I have looked at every store in our area, I have bought the few I could find, so I am saving them for lunch for the week. When I first tried it I was unsure how I was going to like it, but as I kept eating it I realized it was going to be a new FAVORITE!
I'm Loving: My Infrashine hair straightner, I have had this for over a year, but I still love it!! :)
I'm Loving: Aveda Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightner, I love ALL Aveda products, but this is one of my favorites, it helps my curly hair look great when I wear it straight! You can use just a little bit and it goes a long way on your hair. It is worth the splurge, if you have curly hair and want it to look great without frizz when you straighten it.
I'm Loving: Of course my little Macy girl and my sweet Hubby :) My hubby brought my little Macy to work to visit me and all my co-workers on Tuesday! It was a great little break in the work day! <3
Until next time,
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
This week is bittersweet
2 years ago on March 14th we adopted and gave our little Macy a forever home!! We love her so much and hope she is as happy as we are, we could not have asked for a more sweet dog! She is more spoiled today then she was the day we brought her home. She was 1.5 pounds on the day we brought her home and a week ago at her yearly checkup she was 4.8 pounds!! She has lived in 2 different homes and has done fantastic with potty training ( we do not plan on moving again for AWHILE) She has also gained a cousin who loves to “open” and “close” the door on Macy’s kennel while she is inside :) We think it is cute, but I am not so sure Macy does! She is loved by everyone in the family, sometimes I think some of our family members would rather see her then us ;)
2 years ago on March 15th, we received devastating news that a good friend of ours had been killed in a motorcycle accident, my heart was broken and is still broken today as today is here. His birthday was St. Patty’s day and he LOVED life, I miss him dearly as does the entire community, a day does not go by that I don’t think about him, he was full of life and lived everyday to the fullest, we will be having our 10 year class reunion this summer and it won’t be the same without his smiling face. He holds a special place in our hearts.
The husband and I had a busy weekend of Spring cleaning, he is on spring break from school, but still has work, so he was excited to have some FREE time! I am sure he will be busier this week then he is during a “normal” week!
I have also been busy collecting recipes, so I can make things with my new Kitchen Aid Mixer :) I am also taking any suggestions or recipes you would like to share! I have also been in a rut with dinner ideas, so I would love some suggestions!! I have also been busy planning some stops for my sister and I as we road trip to visit our brother, sister in law and niece in the Chicago area in a couple weeks! Can't wait to see them and do a little Spring shopping :)
Hope everyone has a safe and fun St. Patty's day!
Until next time,
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Macy doing what she loves most, laying in her bed, with a little heater just for her :) |
2 years ago on March 15th, we received devastating news that a good friend of ours had been killed in a motorcycle accident, my heart was broken and is still broken today as today is here. His birthday was St. Patty’s day and he LOVED life, I miss him dearly as does the entire community, a day does not go by that I don’t think about him, he was full of life and lived everyday to the fullest, we will be having our 10 year class reunion this summer and it won’t be the same without his smiling face. He holds a special place in our hearts.
The husband and I had a busy weekend of Spring cleaning, he is on spring break from school, but still has work, so he was excited to have some FREE time! I am sure he will be busier this week then he is during a “normal” week!
I have also been busy collecting recipes, so I can make things with my new Kitchen Aid Mixer :) I am also taking any suggestions or recipes you would like to share! I have also been in a rut with dinner ideas, so I would love some suggestions!! I have also been busy planning some stops for my sister and I as we road trip to visit our brother, sister in law and niece in the Chicago area in a couple weeks! Can't wait to see them and do a little Spring shopping :)
Hope everyone has a safe and fun St. Patty's day!
Until next time,
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Happy Wednesday! I am excited to link up with Jamie again to share with you What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm Loving: Nailtiques nail polish, my nails need some help and this stuff works GREAT!!!
I'm Loving: That I get to spend some time with my baby sister tonight, we are getting PEDICURES! :) Can't wait! I'm Loving: Pier One right now, they have some great Spring colored decor for my house, i can't wait to go there this weekend and use my $10 off coupon!
I'm Loving: Today kicks off Younkers Goodwill sale!! I will be gathering some items to take so i can get my 20% off coupons and use them for a new Spring jacket and some make-up (for those not living in Iowa Younkers, is part of Bon-Ton Stores)
I'm Loving: All the shopping i get to do this weekend :) Where will you be shopping? Anything special you are going to be buying?
I'm Loving: Of course my Hubby and my Furbaby!!
I'm Loving: My Niece and my fur nephew!! :) Aren't they just so CUTE??
I hope everyone has a great Wednesday and a great rest of the week! Spring is only 11 days away!! Until next time, <3
Monday, March 7, 2011
I first have to start of this post with a picture of our Furbaby! She had her yearly check up on Thursday and they drew blood and gave her this pretty pink bandage for her sore leg :) We have the greatest Vet, him and his staff are WONDERFUL and I wouldn't want to take Macy anywhere else!
The hubby was busy this weekend, taking down our Christmas lights, it was fairly warm outside. We needed to take them down about 2 months ago, but hey I can't complain now :) Plus we are getting a new roof in a month or so, so they need to be down before April 15th! Can't wait to get rid of the ugly brown shingles and get some new grey ones :) I will post a before and after, once the project is done!
I also got to use my new Kitchen Aid Mixer this weekend!! :) I made a Cherry Coffee Cake, which is something I LOVE, but it makes WAY too much, so I am sure the hubby will be taking some to work, I am planning on making these sometime this weekend and I will take the extras to my co-workers :)
Cherry Coffee Cake preheat oven to 350, bake for 35-45 minutes
11/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup Crisco
11/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon almond extract ( optional)
4 eggs
3 cups flour
2-20 ounce cans cherry pie filling
Crumb Topping
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup margarine
1/2 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons milk
Grease jelly roll sheet lightly. Blend everything except flour and pie filling on high speed. Slowly add while mixing the flour. Spread 2/3 of mixture onto the bottom of the pan. Spread pie filling on top, spoon remaining batter by teaspoon on top of pie filling. Sprinkle on crumb topping. After baking pour on glaze and sprinkle with slivered almonds if desired.
We had a nice and relaxing weekend, I am ready for Spring! We also have a couple DIY projects coming up, so stay tuned for those :)
Until next time, <3
She is such a little pumpkin :) <3 |
The hubby was busy this weekend, taking down our Christmas lights, it was fairly warm outside. We needed to take them down about 2 months ago, but hey I can't complain now :) Plus we are getting a new roof in a month or so, so they need to be down before April 15th! Can't wait to get rid of the ugly brown shingles and get some new grey ones :) I will post a before and after, once the project is done!
The hubby hard at work! |
I also got to use my new Kitchen Aid Mixer this weekend!! :) I made a Cherry Coffee Cake, which is something I LOVE, but it makes WAY too much, so I am sure the hubby will be taking some to work, I am planning on making these sometime this weekend and I will take the extras to my co-workers :)
Cherry Coffee Cake, very good! but you have to limit yourself, i would hate to know the calorie count!! |
11/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup Crisco
11/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon almond extract ( optional)
4 eggs
3 cups flour
2-20 ounce cans cherry pie filling
Crumb Topping
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup margarine
1/2 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons milk
Grease jelly roll sheet lightly. Blend everything except flour and pie filling on high speed. Slowly add while mixing the flour. Spread 2/3 of mixture onto the bottom of the pan. Spread pie filling on top, spoon remaining batter by teaspoon on top of pie filling. Sprinkle on crumb topping. After baking pour on glaze and sprinkle with slivered almonds if desired.
We had a nice and relaxing weekend, I am ready for Spring! We also have a couple DIY projects coming up, so stay tuned for those :)
Until next time, <3
Friday, March 4, 2011
Steal of a Deal!
I had to share with everyone, my great deal I got the other day!!
I have been wanting to get a Kitchen Aid stand mixer for A LONG time so when I received a 30% off coupon in the mail I was hoping I could use that along with my $25 rewards card to purchase the mixer. Well, after I contacted the store and they told me I could use BOTH! I was more than excited, So I headed to the store and saw a sign that the mixers were on sale for 299.99 plus a $30 rebate!
So I look to see if they have a color I want, and they did not have either of the colors I was hoping for :( So, I patiently wait for a salesperson to come by and ask if they can look in the back to see if they have either of colors I had in mind, it takes about 10 minutes, (well worth the wait though) I see him coming down the aisle with my Silver Metallic mixer waiting for me to buy :)
So here is the run down 399.99 originally priced, on sale for 299.99 and then I get 30% off of that price so 299.99 - 90.00 = 209.99 -25.00(rewards card) = $184.99 So with tax, my total was 199.96 and then I get to subtract another $30.00 because I will be getting the rebate!! So i got this mixer for a total of $169.96!!!!!!! I LOVE getting great deals!!
Here is a picture of my receipt! (sorry phone camera quality :( )
Hope everyone has a great Friday!! TGIF :)
Until next time!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What I am loving Wednesday!

This is my first What I'm Loving Wednesday! I am excited to start this, if you are not doing go link up with Jamie!
I'm loving: My wonderful husband, i am so happy that he has this Saturday off! Date night here we come!!
I'm loving, the purchase i am going to make tonight!
I'm loving: The new OPI colors, can't want to get my pedicure this weekend!
Which color would you pick? Plus i love the names :) I am thinking Big Hair, Big Nails!!
I'm loving: That Spring is only 19 days away! We have had a long and cold Iowa winter!
I'm loving: My fur baby! How can you not love this little peanut :) Love you Macy <3
I'm loving: That i am blogging more, hope to get some followers, i love to read every one's blogs and get great ideas! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday!
Until next time! <3
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