Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Time link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesdays. I am looking forward to this Wednesday, the weather in Iowa has been amazing! It was almost 60 degrees on Tuesday! Is is January or April?
I'm Loving: That my husband is going to have weekends off starting on February 12th. I know i talked about this a couple weeks ago, but for the 10 years that we have been together (4 years married) he has not had weekends off! So it is going to be so weird having him home at the same time i am off!!

I'm Loving: That the hubby and I are going out on Friday night to help my friend celebrate her "Forever 29"
 Birthday :) It should be a good time, i will blog about this next week!

I'm Loving:  That in 2 weeks i get to see this sweet girl and her parents. I am also loving that my mom and I are going to be stopping at the Aurora outlet mall to do some shopping on our way home :)

I'm Loving: That next week, i am heading to a college friends baby shower and i get to meet her sweet baby girl :) I love baby and wedding showers, they are such a happy and fun time!

I'm Loving:  These Hunter boots, i would love to have a pair! The wet winter and i am sure the wet spring here in Iowa, these boots would get a lot of use, maybe for Valentines day ;)

I'm Loving: How sweet our little Macy girl has been, i mean she is always sweet, but lately she has been extra sweet :)
I'm Loving:  Of course my sweet hubby too! :)

We need to plant a new tree this spring and i am wanting something that is pretty, no flower trees, but something small around 8-12 feet tall, any suggestions on something for us to plant? :)

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Until next time,


Emily said... [Reply]

Great things to be loving!! :)