Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I am back for my What I'm Loving Wednesday link up with Jamie! I have missed doing this! So i am excited to be back!
I'm Loving:  That today is November 30th and tomorrow starts one of my favorite months! December is filled with family, traditions, snow, snuggling with blankets and hot chocolate while watching Christmas movies, love and time off work from December 22nd until January 3rd! I also love how nice people seem to be in the month of December, we all seem to have smiles on our faces and love in our eyes! I wish everyone was that happy all year round!
I'm Loving:  That i am almost done with my Christmas shopping! Let the wrapping begin! I still have a few things left to get and then stocking stuffers for the hubby and furbaby!  How is your shopping coming? Are you done, have you not started?
I'm Loving: That i am almost ready to send my Christmas cards out in the mail, hopefully by this weekend, i will be making a delivery to the post office! Have you sent yours yet?  

I'm Loving: This coat, i have a pink pea coat that is my favorite but it has seen better years :( so i am looking for something new that is pink :)

I'm Loving:  That our sweet niece turned 2 and she is so funny and i just love watching her grow! I am excited to see her at Christmas and watch her really open her presents!
I'm Loving:  Of course i am loving my sweet and hard working husband and our adorable, spoiled furbaby Macy!!
Hope everyone is having a great week! Can't wait to see what you are loving!

Until next time,


jessica said... [Reply]

Go, girl with the gift shopping! I haven't even started! lol..

Love the pictures of you and your little family! :)

Emily said... [Reply]

We are almost done shopping and wrapping, too! Good for you getting it done early-I always try and avoid that rush just before Christmas! Also, we sent our Christmas cards out on Monday!