Friday, October 28, 2011

oh boy.... it has been awhile!

I am sorry to all my readers, (that are still reading) of my absence from blogging, i tell you i have been super busy and when i get home at night, there is always something that needs to get done! I have also been stressing out about what to wear for our family pictures we are having this weekend! So i will be posting pictures from our photo shoot later, i hope Macy is a good girl for the few pictures she will be in, and i also hope all of our outfits go together, it is hard planning for 8 people! As long as i am in the back hiding out they will look good ! :)

I love Halloween and i am so excited to see all the trick or treaters and we also get to see our niece she is going to be a lady bug, i bet she will be the cutest bug around :) Macy is going to be a pumpkin because she is my sweet little pumpkin :) Are you dressing your pets, if so what are they going to be? Here is a picture of the "lady bug in the grass" How sweet is she? She is also brushing her teeth in the other one, she has quite the seat huh? :)

Joe and I are off to a wedding this weekend too! I really love weddings, but i am terrible at taking pictures, we shall see how i do, i am hoping for birthday which is coming up soon, i will be getting a new DSLR camera hint hint hubby ;)

Here is a sweet picture of Macy, she was not feeling very well the other night and i took her picture with my phone.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, i will be back on Monday with regular programming :)

Until next time,


jessica said... [Reply]

Your niece is sooo cute! I dressed our dogs up a couple of years ago but haven't since then! I'm a bad dog mom. lol..

Glad to see you back to blogging!