Of spring cleaning! :) I started my spring cleaning last weekend and i am hopeful that i can tackle the rest of my cleaning this weekend.
How to do you organize your spring cleaning tasks? I am list maker and i use them on a daily basis, i have a small notebook that everyday i write down my tasks that need to be done ( in no particular order) as the day goes on i highlight the items i completed and move on, if they are needed to be moved to the next day i do so :) This works great for me.
So as far as Spring cleaning i have my list of things that need to be done, we shall see what gets done and still needs to at the end of my 4 day weekend!
1. Clean all closets, cupboards, drawers and get rid of clothes/stuff that we no longer wear or need
2. Paint the basement
3. Organize for garage sale
4. Power wash house and driveway
5. Paint the bathroom, hang bathroom curtains and replace fabric shower curtain
6. Organize all files and shred papers
7. Place a "no junk mail" sign on my mail box :)
8. Clean windows
9. Clean out garage
10. Dust all light fixtures and floor trim
11. Sit back and relax on back patio with a nice beverage!
I am trying to be more green about using cleaning products, i use Melaluca laundry soap and a couple of their products, but i love the Method All purpose spray. I have not found a product to use on my floors in the bathrooms yet, what do you use? and do you love it? I use Magic Erasers and my Norwex rags for most of my other cleaning, i just recently purchased the Norwex shower scrub and let me tell you it is AMAZING!
I like to clean but i want it to be safe for Macy and for Joe and I and when i hear of things that are not good for your health and we are putting that stuff in our homes...... I am also on the hunt for a good bathroom cleaner for toilets and sinks. I know with Norwex they say you don't need to use any other product but water, i still use other products because i just want to make sure :)
Do you have a Spring Cleaning Schedule and if so what works for you? What is the worst job and the best job?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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