I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, i had a 4 day weekend and I had a big to do list and lets just say, i DID NOT get as much done as i would have liked to.
The husband and I had to run some errands on Friday before he had to go to work and then Friday night i started reading a book and rested with Macy, that girl is just as cute as they get!!
On Saturday i needed to finish up some stuff in the yard like pulling the weeds and making sure my plants were growing and fertilizing those :) They still look great, which is good for me because i am not much of a green thumb! Wish i was though, i am still learning. I also needed to get caught up on laundry and also clean 2 of the 3 bedrooms, I got that done along with cleaning out the closets for the upcoming garage sale, it is amazing to me how much stuff we have accumulated over 2 years of being in our house!!
Sunday Joe and I did not do too much we did a few things around the house and he wanted to have Tacos for supper so after 2 hours at the grocery store we got home and we made tacos, (i wanted to grill, haha it is the kick off of summer) and watched the NASCAR race, it was an interesting finish and a LONG race at that, do you watch NASCAR? My dad and brother are big race fans so i have watched it with them through out the years if it is on and Joe wants to watch we will watch but we don't sit in front of the TV every Sunday and watch the races! :)
Monday the weather was HOT, HUMID and WINDY and it was a great day to sit outside and get a TAN :) Macy and I laid outside while i read a book and she enjoyed the sunshine and wind, she was also exhausted after we got inside. We then had a graduation party, it was nice to see Morgan and wish her good luck as she will be attending the University of Northern Iowa majoring in Elementary Education, she is attending my Alma Mater :) We also went for another bike ride with Macy and she is still enjoying it, we are going this weekend to hopefully buy her a bike trailer. Joe said " do you think they make bike helmets for dogs?" haha, i said NO :)
I hope you enjoyed the weekend and are not too sleepy at work today, it is rainy and dark outside in Iowa today so it was hard to get going this morning. I am a bit sleepy along with an earache, how weird for someone in their 20's to have an earache? :)
Here are a few pictures of Macy enjoying her Memorial Day Weekend :)
I have no idea why she is laying like this around the leg of the table :) She was warm after we got inside from laying out!
Stay tuned for Friday Book Club, so you can see the book that i finished in 3 days and i am thinking i might be finishing the second book before Friday!
Have a great Tuesday!
Until next time,
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday Book Club
I am linking up with Megan over at A day in the Life for the second time for Friday Book Club.
With The Tenth Circle, Jodi Picoult offers her most powerful chronicle yet as she explores the unbreakable bond between parent and child, and questions whether you can reinvent yourself in the course of a lifetime -- or if your mistakes are carried forever.
I am only on page 30 so far, we shall see if this book keeps my interest or not, Jodi Picoult has some really great books, but sometimes i can't get into the book!
Do you read paperback books are do you read with an E-reader?
I am all about my NOOK color, i take it everywhere!! LOVE IT!!
Can't wait to see what you are reading this Friday!!
Until next time,
Last week i finished reading Still Alice and i just started to read, Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult
Fourteen-year-old Trixie Stone is in love for the first time. She's also the light of her father, Daniel's life -- a straight-A student; a pretty, popular freshman in high school; a girl who's always seen her father as a hero. That is, until her world is turned upside down with a single act of violence. Suddenly everything Trixie has believed about her family -- and herself -- seems to be a lie. Could the boyfriend who once made Trixie wild with happiness have been the one to end her childhood forever? She says that he is, and that is all it takes to make Daniel, a seemingly mild-mannered comic book artist with a secret tumultuous past he has hidden even from his family, venture to hell and back to protect his daughter.
With The Tenth Circle, Jodi Picoult offers her most powerful chronicle yet as she explores the unbreakable bond between parent and child, and questions whether you can reinvent yourself in the course of a lifetime -- or if your mistakes are carried forever.
I am only on page 30 so far, we shall see if this book keeps my interest or not, Jodi Picoult has some really great books, but sometimes i can't get into the book!
Do you read paperback books are do you read with an E-reader?
I am all about my NOOK color, i take it everywhere!! LOVE IT!!
Can't wait to see what you are reading this Friday!!
Until next time,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Linking up with Jamie again for What I'm Loving Wednesday, i missed last week so i am excited to share my loves again this week!!
I'm Loving: That i found these full size Nib Twizzlers, i LOVE nibs, but i hate that they are small you never seem to get enough, i was at Walgreen's and came across these and had to have them! I hope the hubby saved me a couple for today :)
I'm Loving: That I get a 4 day weekend this week, I am taking Friday as a comp day for a weekend day i worked and Monday is Memorial Day, so i can't wait to get things done at the house, i am hoping to do a small bathroom make over :) new paint, shower curtain and curtains, we shall see though what i find!
I'm Loving: That this week marks my 2 months with no soda!! :) So happy that i have been able to do it and every once in awhile i crave it but i can resist! I am also trying to quit biting my nails, i have done this for as long as i can remember! It is a terrible and gross habit, you would think with at health background, i would know better, so today marks day number 11, that i have not done it :) I am always proud of myself when i quit, but something comes up that i get nervous or anxious about and i always fall back into the habit...
I'm Loving: That i get to have dinner with my friend Katherine on Thursday! Time to celebrate her new job!
I'm Loving: That the price of gas is going down!! This is as low as i have seen yet! :)
I'm Loving: My sweet husband who is going to have a busy summer and our sweet Macy girl
I am devastated about all the loss, heartache and devastation that has happened in the south the last few days, all the people that have been affected by these storms are in my thoughts and prayers. I have donated to the red cross to try and help any bit i can, i know times are tough, but if you can you should donate here is a link to the Red Cross http://newsroom.redcross.org/2011/05/24/photos-tornado-in-joplin-mo/
Also there are many pets that are displaced and are unable to locate their owners, my heart is breaking for all these poor babies, i have a box started to send blankets and other items to the humane society, here is the link for the humane society http://www.joplinhumane.org/donate.html
Can't wait to see what your loving this Wednesday!
Until next time,
Also there are many pets that are displaced and are unable to locate their owners, my heart is breaking for all these poor babies, i have a box started to send blankets and other items to the humane society, here is the link for the humane society http://www.joplinhumane.org/donate.html
Can't wait to see what your loving this Wednesday!
Until next time,
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Oh the Joys!
Of spring cleaning! :) I started my spring cleaning last weekend and i am hopeful that i can tackle the rest of my cleaning this weekend.
How to do you organize your spring cleaning tasks? I am list maker and i use them on a daily basis, i have a small notebook that everyday i write down my tasks that need to be done ( in no particular order) as the day goes on i highlight the items i completed and move on, if they are needed to be moved to the next day i do so :) This works great for me.
So as far as Spring cleaning i have my list of things that need to be done, we shall see what gets done and still needs to at the end of my 4 day weekend!
1. Clean all closets, cupboards, drawers and get rid of clothes/stuff that we no longer wear or need
2. Paint the basement
3. Organize for garage sale
4. Power wash house and driveway
5. Paint the bathroom, hang bathroom curtains and replace fabric shower curtain
6. Organize all files and shred papers
7. Place a "no junk mail" sign on my mail box :)
8. Clean windows
9. Clean out garage
10. Dust all light fixtures and floor trim
11. Sit back and relax on back patio with a nice beverage!
I am trying to be more green about using cleaning products, i use Melaluca laundry soap and a couple of their products, but i love the Method All purpose spray. I have not found a product to use on my floors in the bathrooms yet, what do you use? and do you love it? I use Magic Erasers and my Norwex rags for most of my other cleaning, i just recently purchased the Norwex shower scrub and let me tell you it is AMAZING!
I like to clean but i want it to be safe for Macy and for Joe and I and when i hear of things that are not good for your health and we are putting that stuff in our homes...... I am also on the hunt for a good bathroom cleaner for toilets and sinks. I know with Norwex they say you don't need to use any other product but water, i still use other products because i just want to make sure :)
Do you have a Spring Cleaning Schedule and if so what works for you? What is the worst job and the best job?
How to do you organize your spring cleaning tasks? I am list maker and i use them on a daily basis, i have a small notebook that everyday i write down my tasks that need to be done ( in no particular order) as the day goes on i highlight the items i completed and move on, if they are needed to be moved to the next day i do so :) This works great for me.
So as far as Spring cleaning i have my list of things that need to be done, we shall see what gets done and still needs to at the end of my 4 day weekend!
1. Clean all closets, cupboards, drawers and get rid of clothes/stuff that we no longer wear or need
2. Paint the basement
3. Organize for garage sale
4. Power wash house and driveway
5. Paint the bathroom, hang bathroom curtains and replace fabric shower curtain
6. Organize all files and shred papers
7. Place a "no junk mail" sign on my mail box :)
8. Clean windows
9. Clean out garage
10. Dust all light fixtures and floor trim
11. Sit back and relax on back patio with a nice beverage!
I am trying to be more green about using cleaning products, i use Melaluca laundry soap and a couple of their products, but i love the Method All purpose spray. I have not found a product to use on my floors in the bathrooms yet, what do you use? and do you love it? I use Magic Erasers and my Norwex rags for most of my other cleaning, i just recently purchased the Norwex shower scrub and let me tell you it is AMAZING!
I like to clean but i want it to be safe for Macy and for Joe and I and when i hear of things that are not good for your health and we are putting that stuff in our homes...... I am also on the hunt for a good bathroom cleaner for toilets and sinks. I know with Norwex they say you don't need to use any other product but water, i still use other products because i just want to make sure :)
Do you have a Spring Cleaning Schedule and if so what works for you? What is the worst job and the best job?
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Macy's first bike ride :)
In one of my last posts, i wrote about how we are getting a pull behind bike trailer for our dog Macy, well it has yet to arrive and i have this puppy "Bjorn" as i like to call it :) My in-laws live about 10 blocks from us and the hubby and i decided to take Macy with us on the short ride and in her puppy "Bjorn" to see if she liked it, yes this contraption is really made for dogs, it is made my the American Kennel Association, it has a cord to attach to her harness and then you can tighten the top to keep her in there, it also has a hard bottom with cushion, so they are comfortable sitting in it. Sometimes when i clean the house i put her in there and we clean together :) She loves to follow us around and this is easier.
She LOVED the bike ride she loved the wind blowing in her face and she didn't bark at one dog we saw while riding, we saw a couple people walking in the short 5 minute bike ride we went on HAHA, and they said look at that lady and that cute dog :) I know i am funny, so here it is, debuting for her first bike ride MACY :)
Would you do something like this? :)
Until next time,
She LOVED the bike ride she loved the wind blowing in her face and she didn't bark at one dog we saw while riding, we saw a couple people walking in the short 5 minute bike ride we went on HAHA, and they said look at that lady and that cute dog :) I know i am funny, so here it is, debuting for her first bike ride MACY :)
She is so cute :) |
Until next time,
Friday, May 20, 2011
Book Club Friday & Weekend
I am going to link up with Megan over at A day in the life.. for the first time for Book Club Friday! I am hoping this will help me get all my book recommendations i need for my 101 in 1001 days list :)
Right now i am reading Still Alice by Lisa Genova, it was recommended by Jennifer at Books, Recipes and Life, Oh My. I was very excited to start reading this book and i am about 3/4 done with the book, This book is about a Harvard psychology professor who is given the devastating news that she has early onset Alzheimer's, the brutal facts of Alzheimer's are heartbreaking, and it's impossible not to feel for Alice and her loved ones.
It has been hard to put this book down, i have been having some trouble sleeping the last 2 nights so i started this book on Monday night and have knocked out about 130 pages so far, looking forward to the end. This book makes me question, if i knew i had a possibility of getting Alzheimer's, would i get tested to see? How would i live my life if i knew, one on Alice's daughters is trying to conceive a child and it is interesting to read what choices she makes....
I am very excited to see what everyone else is reading!
I have not been home for a full weekend since Easter! I am looking forward to a weekend with my hubby, and Macy we dont' really have plans just errands to run, finish spring cleaning and hopefully some outdoor work, Joe wants to power wash the house and i want to finish planting my plants! Looking forward to doing some shopping at the plant shop again :) I also need to do some shopping for a upcoming Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Weekend in Minneapolis!
What are you plans for the weekend?
Until next time,
Right now i am reading Still Alice by Lisa Genova, it was recommended by Jennifer at Books, Recipes and Life, Oh My. I was very excited to start reading this book and i am about 3/4 done with the book, This book is about a Harvard psychology professor who is given the devastating news that she has early onset Alzheimer's, the brutal facts of Alzheimer's are heartbreaking, and it's impossible not to feel for Alice and her loved ones.
It has been hard to put this book down, i have been having some trouble sleeping the last 2 nights so i started this book on Monday night and have knocked out about 130 pages so far, looking forward to the end. This book makes me question, if i knew i had a possibility of getting Alzheimer's, would i get tested to see? How would i live my life if i knew, one on Alice's daughters is trying to conceive a child and it is interesting to read what choices she makes....
I am very excited to see what everyone else is reading!
I have not been home for a full weekend since Easter! I am looking forward to a weekend with my hubby, and Macy we dont' really have plans just errands to run, finish spring cleaning and hopefully some outdoor work, Joe wants to power wash the house and i want to finish planting my plants! Looking forward to doing some shopping at the plant shop again :) I also need to do some shopping for a upcoming Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Weekend in Minneapolis!
What are you plans for the weekend?
Until next time,
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Send flowers to someone having a bad day!
My friend has been having a rough couple days, as i was sitting at my desk this morning i was looking at my planner and saw my 101 things in 1001 days, i decided it was time to send someone flowers because they were having a rough day. She is a very kind person and deserves to smile, so i decided to send her a small bouquet of flowers, hopefully it brightened her day!
She was kind enough to send me a picture of the flowers! |
It feels good do something nice for someone, have you done anything to make someone else smile lately? :)
Until next time,
Babies! and 101 in 1001 days
One of my best friends and college roommates, who i don't get a chance to talk with enough! Had her second baby this weekend! She is a doll, looks just like her big sister! Congrats to Geoff and Sarah!
I also had a facial yesterday afternoon and it was FANTASTIC, i said to myself after we were done, why don't i do this more often!! i will be scheduling another one for the fall, can't wait!! Do you love facials? What is your spa splurge you can't live without? So i can scratch 2 things off my 101 things list :)
I hope everyone has a great Thursday! Thanks to all my followers and readers, love to get your comments they make me smile :)
I will be crossing off #86 on my list today! Hopefully my friend is having a better day and i will show you a picture if she sends me one and figures out it is me :)
Until next time,
Emma, isn't she just so cute?
I can't wait to meet this sweet bundle of joy! All my friends have beautiful babies and i just love them! There are more babies arriving this fall and late this summer and I can't wait to meet them all. What sweet blessings they are!
My "second sister", my baby sisters best friend who is just like another sister to me had her sweet baby girl on Wednesday her name is Madison, Congrats to Jenna and Matt!
I also decided it was time to hit the hand written letters since my friend had just had a baby, so i started writing this hand written letter to my dear friend Sarah! Can't wait to send it with her gift package! So i am knocking quite a few things off my 101 things in 1001 days, check out my progress here I am still needing a few book recommendations along with some easy recipes if anyone wants to share i would love to have them! Thanks!
Sorry for the terrible quality |
I hope everyone has a great Thursday! Thanks to all my followers and readers, love to get your comments they make me smile :)
I will be crossing off #86 on my list today! Hopefully my friend is having a better day and i will show you a picture if she sends me one and figures out it is me :)
Until next time,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tail Waggin Tuesday Vol 8
Linking up with CMAE again for Tail Waggin Tuesday
This Tuesday she wants us to post a video of our pets! I have LOTS of videos of Macy, but I can't get one to load this early in the morning, so i am going to give you link to the video i like that is posted on YouTube :)
Hopefully you will enjoy how sweet Macy is :)
I have also decided to add a couple pictures of her just because i love her so much!!
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Until next time,
This Tuesday she wants us to post a video of our pets! I have LOTS of videos of Macy, but I can't get one to load this early in the morning, so i am going to give you link to the video i like that is posted on YouTube :)
Hopefully you will enjoy how sweet Macy is :)
I have also decided to add a couple pictures of her just because i love her so much!!
Helping Mommy plant flowers :) It is exhausting :) |
Here she is VERY happy to have her beloved treat a Flossie :) |
Until next time,
Monday, May 16, 2011
Thursday- the weekend!
Thursday, my wonderful husband went under to get his wisdom teeth out, he was a trooper and did a good job, when i went back after he was recovering, he was funny! He asked me to take a picture of him laying there, so i did and i am sure after he sees it posted on here he is going to think "why did i let her do that!" After i took the picture he asked me about 1,000 times about his blood pressure, if they got all the teeth, if he was OK, and other funny stuff. It wasn't as funny as the You Tube videos, but i sure got a good laugh. He also had a really good nurse taking care of him that day too, Macy :)
Friday Joe was feeling better so i went back to work and had to work a Senior Olympic Health Fair, it was a fun time, slow but fun, i was hoping to sneak over to the gym and get a glimpse of the "Granny basketball" but i didn't get over there. Joe was starving that night and didn't know what he wanted to eat and we didnt' have much in the house i REALLY needed to go grocery shopping so we went and got some pasta and he was feeling better and felt like he could relax because his belly wasn't grumbling anymore :) How did you feel after you got your wisdom teeth out? The funny thing about me, is the day i got mine out, Joe called me for our first date, i didn't go out that night, but i went out with him the day after i got mine out, he told me on Saturday i must have been crazy haha! :)
Saturday night we got to see my aunt from Florida, her husband, her cute as a button son Josiah, my brother, sister in law and that cute niece of ours Lily! It was nice to see everyone and i hope we all get together again on Tuesday!
Sunday the hubby and I had to run to pick up some of Macy favorite treats, she has been out of flossies for about 2 months and they have been hard to come by so we were able to snatch up 10 of those and she was SO HAPPY to have one yesterday! We are going to have to keep a close eye on those and get more hopefully so she doesn't run out again :)
I am looking for some easy summer recipes, if anyone has some, i would love for you to send them my way! I am also still needing 7 more book recommendations! Please recommend your favorite book, i am onto reading book number 4 :)
Love you all! I love the comments and followers, been getting a giveaway together, so stay tuned :)
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Can't wait to see what you did!
Until next time,
Sorry Joe, i had to post it :) |
Nurse Macy :) |
Saturday night we got to see my aunt from Florida, her husband, her cute as a button son Josiah, my brother, sister in law and that cute niece of ours Lily! It was nice to see everyone and i hope we all get together again on Tuesday!
Sunday the hubby and I had to run to pick up some of Macy favorite treats, she has been out of flossies for about 2 months and they have been hard to come by so we were able to snatch up 10 of those and she was SO HAPPY to have one yesterday! We are going to have to keep a close eye on those and get more hopefully so she doesn't run out again :)
We had a cold and rainy weekend for weather and it looks like it is going to be a cooler week for us this week to, i am alright with the weather being nice so i can get a few things done around my house, i need to get the rest of my hostas and i think i am going to plant some Veronica's on the east side of my house! That is our weekend project along with power washing the house and patio off :) Hoping the rain they area showing for weekend stays away!
Love you all! I love the comments and followers, been getting a giveaway together, so stay tuned :)
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Can't wait to see what you did!
Until next time,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
I am linking up with Jamie again for What I'm Loving Wednesday! I have a lot to be thankful for and these are just a few of the things i am loving today! I have been thinking about all the people that have were effected by the tornadoes and rising waters in the south.
I'm Loving: That it is finally time to put away the coats and socks for awhile! I just love to wear sandals! I need to do some serious shopping for summer work clothes and summer shoes.
I'm Loving: That my aunt from Florida is coming and I get to see her this weekend! It has been too long since i last saw her, i am excited to meet her son Josiah, him and Lily are going to have so much fun playing together!
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Sorry about the terrible picture i had to scan it, i think this is from 2000 |
I'm Loving: That my house finally has some color to it! I love the plants and flowers i have planted, getting ready do some more planting this Sunday on the side of our house! The picture if with the flowers and the new roof, next we are either getting new shutters (grey color) or buying new ones and painting them to match the garage door. We are also going to tackle the drywall in the basement... wish us luck!
Sorry it is not the best picture......... |
I'm Loving: That i am getting a pull behind trailer for my bike, so Macy can go with us on our bike rides and i also want one, so i can ride to the grocery store and get groceries and not waste gas, since it is $4.00 a gallon. Do you think it will go down this June like they are saying?? I am hopeful but i am not getting to excited about it :)
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Can't wait to see what you are loving today! Have a great Wednesday!
I'm Loving: All my followers and sweet comments you guys leave, keep them coming! I have some ideas on what my giveaway is going to be once i reach 50 followers!! :)
Until next time,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tail Waggin Tuesday Vol 7
I am linking up with CMAE over at Live What you Love for Tail Waggin Tuesday!
Today's Topic is Share your Pet's Favorite Treat(s)
Macy has quite a few treats that she loves, but one of her favorites is..........
Our Vet said they are low fat for such a small dog and we can easily train her with Cheerios, because we can reward her often.
She also loves her morning treat, we call them her "red bone" they are suppose to help with her bones and they smell pretty good too, they are cherry flavored. Orby's Hip Bone Jr's. If you have not given these to your dog, you should try them! You can order them online at Petco or get them at some local Pet stores.
Macy's FAVORITE treat of all time is Merrick Flossies, they are hard to come by right now and we have been saving what she has until we can replenish our inventory of them :) But she goes nuts over these!!
Here in Eastern Iowa today we are suppose to have temps in the 90's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess we are skipping Spring and heading right for Hot and Humid Summer!
Hope you have a great Tuesday, can't wait to see what your pet loves!
Until next time,
Today's Topic is Share your Pet's Favorite Treat(s)
Macy has quite a few treats that she loves, but one of her favorites is..........
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Image from google, dogs who love cheerios :) |
She also loves her morning treat, we call them her "red bone" they are suppose to help with her bones and they smell pretty good too, they are cherry flavored. Orby's Hip Bone Jr's. If you have not given these to your dog, you should try them! You can order them online at Petco or get them at some local Pet stores.
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Macy and her Uncle Gizmo enjoying flossies!! |
Hope you have a great Tuesday, can't wait to see what your pet loves!
Until next time,
Monday, May 9, 2011
Weekend Recap and 101 things in 1001 days
We had a wonderful weekend! The weather was awesome and we got to see our Mom's so all in all it was a success and went by WAY too fast!
Saturday we were busy we had a few errands to run in the morning, I had to give Macy her flea treatment and her heart guard and she does not enjoy the flea treatment, but loves the heart guard she is silly :) We went to our local Culvers and bought some flowers for around the house, i wasn't sure what i wanted to get, so i just decided Geraniums would do good, because as some people say they are a hearty flower :) I also wanted to do something different in my pot this year, so i asked the lady working if she had any thoughts, and she threw this combination together and said if i take good care of it, i can replant it for an inside plant this winter and it will stay until next year! I can save some money that way! (the flowers in the pot cost around 60 dollars!! )
I told the hubby i didn't want to plant the flowers until next weekend, but after we took my mom out to eat for a late lunch and her and I went and got her flowers, ( i spent way too much time looking at plants and flowers on Saturday!) we decided to fertilize and plant everything, Macy laid in the drive way on her blanket while we did all the hard work! We got everything done and i think it looks good, hopefully it stays that way. I need to get some more mulch to cover the flowers and we should be set for some blooming flowers this summer!! I am still deciding on what perennials to plant on the side of our house, I want to do hostas and something else, but just not sure what to do? After the hard working of planting we went for a much needed bike ride! It was great to get out and ride again, Welcome Spring :)
I also decided to cross off another thing off my 101 things in 1001 days, i decided to make cupcakes from scratch, the recipe i had looked really good. So i spent the next 2 hours baking the cupcakes, making the frosting and frosting the cupcakes, Joe said they were good, but i thought they were a little dry.......
Sunday we went out to eat with my Mother in law, Father in law and Sister in Law and then we went to the Kernels game ( a local minor league baseball team) and we got a little sun our faces and my hubby had some red arms yesterday!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Until next time,
Saturday we were busy we had a few errands to run in the morning, I had to give Macy her flea treatment and her heart guard and she does not enjoy the flea treatment, but loves the heart guard she is silly :) We went to our local Culvers and bought some flowers for around the house, i wasn't sure what i wanted to get, so i just decided Geraniums would do good, because as some people say they are a hearty flower :) I also wanted to do something different in my pot this year, so i asked the lady working if she had any thoughts, and she threw this combination together and said if i take good care of it, i can replant it for an inside plant this winter and it will stay until next year! I can save some money that way! (the flowers in the pot cost around 60 dollars!! )
I told the hubby i didn't want to plant the flowers until next weekend, but after we took my mom out to eat for a late lunch and her and I went and got her flowers, ( i spent way too much time looking at plants and flowers on Saturday!) we decided to fertilize and plant everything, Macy laid in the drive way on her blanket while we did all the hard work! We got everything done and i think it looks good, hopefully it stays that way. I need to get some more mulch to cover the flowers and we should be set for some blooming flowers this summer!! I am still deciding on what perennials to plant on the side of our house, I want to do hostas and something else, but just not sure what to do? After the hard working of planting we went for a much needed bike ride! It was great to get out and ride again, Welcome Spring :)
I also decided to cross off another thing off my 101 things in 1001 days, i decided to make cupcakes from scratch, the recipe i had looked really good. So i spent the next 2 hours baking the cupcakes, making the frosting and frosting the cupcakes, Joe said they were good, but i thought they were a little dry.......
Sunday we went out to eat with my Mother in law, Father in law and Sister in Law and then we went to the Kernels game ( a local minor league baseball team) and we got a little sun our faces and my hubby had some red arms yesterday!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Until next time,
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