Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bumpdate- 33 weeks


33 weeks: Your baby is proportioned like a pineapple when it comes to weight -- a little over 4 pounds. (Length: more than 17 inches, head to heel.)

Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Still searching for comfy pants

Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, any other suggestions?

She still moves after I eat, she has also started getting the hiccups which has been interesting!

Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and I am also enjoying some Popsicles!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!

What I miss:
Not really missing anything, I think I am in still in shock that we are getting so close to the end!

We are having a GIRL! :)

Best moment this week:
 We had our 2nd NST and everything has been great, she cooperates and is doing great! I am anxious to see her on the ultrasound machine in a couple weeks! I am still feeling blessed by all the wonderful gifts we have received from our friends and family!

Macy was not interested in having her picture taken!

Joe has been using the heating pad and Macy has fallen in love with it, so after we turn it off, she wants to lay on it, she is so sweet, I just love her!

The sweet card that made me cry and the flowers the hubby surprised me with on our anniversary, he is sure a keeper :)

Until next time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Anniversary! 6 years of wedded bliss!

6 years ago yesterday on a beautiful day September 22, 2007, i walked down the aisle to say "I Do" to the person who is my best friend and the love of my life!

As we were busy this weekend getting stuff ready for Baby Adams we really reflected on the last 6 years of our lives! We have had many ups and some downs, but through it all we have stuck together and our love has only grown! I can't imagine my life without Joe, he is truly an amazing man, he adores me and Macy and will soon be smitten with his daughter! He works 40+ hours a week, goes to school and he also never complains to do anything around the house, i don't know how i got so lucky! I always thought you could never love your husband more than you did on the day you got married, but let me tell you my heart grows and falls more and more in love with him everyday! I am so excited for the next 100 years with him :)

We spent the weekend just the 3 of us, Macy loves it when we have family time! She is so happy to have us both home, we spent Saturday morning at the last farmer's market of the year, it was pretty chilly, she had to wear her coat :) Next summer as we hit the farmer's market we will be there with our 2 girlies and we couldn't be happier!

I woke up on Sunday morning to a beautiful bouquet of roses and the sweetest card the Joe gave me which of course i turned into a sobbing mess, he really does make me feel special and knows me so well!

So enough about the mushy stuff, here we were 6 years ago on a beautiful last day of summer! Happy Anniversary Joe! I love you to the moon and back!

 Here is a picture of what i woke up to on Sunday morning! #lovehim #6yearsofweddedbliss #togetherfor11years

Until next time!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bumpdate- 32 weeks


32 weeks: Your baby weighs as much as a large jicama -- about 4 pounds. (Length: about 17 inches, head to heel.)

Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Recommendations on nursing pajamas? Any recommendations?

Stretch Marks
I noticed last week, that I have a few lines where my I did my insulin shots in my stomach.... So I am now using Bio Oil in the mornings and Palmer's at night!

Still moving and becoming more accurate, I feel like I know when she is going to move, she must have somewhat of a sleep schedule already, interesting to see once she arrives, how that works out haha!

Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and I am also enjoying some Popsicles!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!

What I miss:
I have not had any soda, I have tried not to take any medication at all, I have taken 1 Tylenol this entire pregnancy, but I am really missing my Diet Soda, I am craving and Diet Pepsi or Diet Mt Dew, I am looking forward to that treat come November :)

We are having a GIRL! :)

Best moment this week:
 I had a wonderful baby shower with all my family and friends, again I am going to have about 4 blog posts of baby showers and also other life updates as well! I am still feeling great, I am really enjoying pregnancy so far and have no complaints, I am feeling so blessed!

Obviously the comparisons are not the same again :)

Hope everyone has a great week! Looking forward to spending this upcoming week with my wonderful husband celebrating 6 years of wedded bliss!

Until next time!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bumpdate - 31 weeks


31 weeks: Your baby now weighs as much as four navel oranges. (Length: over 16 inches, head to heel.)

Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Recommendations on nursing pajamas? Any recommendations?

Stretch Marks
I noticed last week, that I have a few lines where my I did my insulin shots in my stomach.... So I am now using Bio Oil in the mornings and Palmer's at night!

 She is really moving after I eat, she is also starting to move more and more at the sound of certain things, she loves music, so she moves lots when I am in the car, she is also starting to know Macy's bark I think, she seems to move when she barks! :)

Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and I am also enjoying some Popsicles!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!

What I miss:
Nothing still, I am seeing lots of fall recipes and tailgating food and beer! So I will be looking forward to having a beverage come November!

We are having a GIRL! :)

Best moment this week:
 Getting ready for my family and friends Baby shower this week, looking forward to seeing all my wonderful family and friends! Also, so hard to believe that starting next week I have weekly Dr. appointments and NST's crazy to think in less than 7 weeks she will be here!!

Until next time!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bumpdate- 30 weeks


30 weeks: Your baby rivals a good-size cabbage in weight, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds. (Length: about 15 3/4 inches, head to heel.)

Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now, It has started to get hot this week, so I am hoping I can find some cooler tops to wear! I am also looking for some recommendations on nursing pajamas? Any recommendations?

Stretch Marks
I noticed last week, that I have a few lines where my I did my insulin shots in my stomach.... So I am now using Bio Oil in the mornings and Palmer's at night!

 She is still a dancing machine! I feel like she is moving more and more, she woke me up the other night because she was really moving!

Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit, but struggling a bit to find things I want to eat, it was super hot this week so I was having a hard time finding things to keep me full, but not stuffed so I could survive the 110 degree heat!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!

What I miss:
Nothing still, I am seeing lots of fall recipes and tailgating food and beer! So I will be looking forward to having a beverage come November!

We are having a GIRL! :)

Best moment this week:
 Getting to hear her heartbeat again at the Dr appointments, know that I am right where I am suppose to be, she is growing and that, my last appointment was my last 2 week appointment, every week NST from here on out, so the countdown is on, 8 weeks or less until she is here, I can't believe how fast the time has gone!

Baby Adams, still does not have a name, we are working on it, as of last week we didn't even have a list, now we have added a few names to the list, so we are getting there! Never thought it would be this hard to name our baby! :)

How is it possible, we are already 30 weeks! Time is sure flying!

Until next time!