Thursday, June 27, 2013

Baby Adams is a..........................

Last Friday June 21st, Joe and I had our 20 week anatomy scan appointment for our sweet little baby! We were having quite the thunderstorm too, so I was nervous we were going to have to take shelter during our ultrasound! :)

So before we left the house we took a picture in front of our chalkboard with our other sweet baby Macy :)

Everyone kept asking me if i had any idea what the baby was, I had not had any real guesses until the last week or 2 when I felt the baby move for the first time, so the last week I was for sure Baby Adams was a BOY! Joe has been saying the baby is a GIRL for about 12 weeks now, our family was pretty split on what they thought, I also caved and looked into all those Chinese birth charts, the old wives tales and everything was saying BOY, so without further procrastination! :) Baby Adams is a..................................................

Macy is thrilled to announce that she is going to have a little sister, we are having a GIRL! I was very surprised when the ultrasound tech said you are having a little girl! We are over the moon thrilled that she is healthy and growing, we feel very blessed! The ultrasound tech also said she has long legs, haha, which is no surprise to us, as I am 5'10 (almost) and Joe is 6'4 so I guess she is going to be long! :) We have no names picked out yet and I am sure we wont' be able to decide until she is born haha! I am always up for name suggestions :)

Baby Girl is stubborn like her mommy and it took the tech all of 45 minutes to get her in the right position, every time we could see her legs, she would have them crossed, I guess she might be a little camera shy like her daddy :)

Let the shopping begin!

Until next time,

<3 p="">

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bumpdate- 20 weeks!

20 weeks: Your baby has grown as big as a banana. (Length: about 6 1/2 inches from head to bottom, and 10 inches from head to heel.)

It is so hard to believe that i am over half way done with this pregnancy! Being a diabetic, my OB said he doesn't think he will let me go past 38 weeks, so we have just about 17 weeks or so to go!

Maternity Clothes

I am still wearing my pre pregnancy clothes, but i have quite a few maternity tops that i will be wearing as casual tops because my others look funny now!
Stretch Marks
None so far, i am using Palmer's every night so i am hoping to keep them away!

I felt the baby move for the first time at 19 weeks and the baby is becoming more and more active and i feel it more and more, Joe is really looking forward to feeling the baby move!

Food cravings
I have not really had many food cravings, i really am enjoying fruit right now and smoothies! The weather is also finally getting warmer around here and so i have been craving popsicles lately!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!

What I miss:
Nothing, no complaints from me this week!

We will be finding out soon! People keep asking me if i have any idea if the baby is a boy or girl and i just don't know,only a few more days until i will have a gender reveal post!
Best moment this week
I think the best moment will be finding out the gender and hearing that sweet heartbeat!
Hope everyone is having a great week! I should also say, hopefully next week i will post a "bump" picture!

Until next time!

Friday, June 14, 2013

19 weeks!

 19 weeks: Your baby equals a large heirloom tomato in size and weighs 8 1/2 ounces. (length: 6 inches, head to bottom

Maternity Clothes

I have maternity clothes, but so far everything is still fitting, i am thinking in the next couple weeks i am going to switch to my maternity pants, i guess being tall and the baby belly is pushing out but not bothering my pants yet is a good thing :)
Stretch Marks

None so far, i am using Palmer's every night so i am hoping to keep them away!


I think i felt the first baby kicks earlier this week! It is the weirdest but the most amazing feeling ever! Can't wait for Joe to be able to feel the baby kicks too!
Food cravings

I have not really had many food cravings, i really am enjoying fruit right now and smoothies!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness

None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!
What I miss:

Nothing, no complaints from me this week!

We will be finding out soon! People keep asking me i have any idea if the baby is a boy or girl and i just don't know, i must be weird i guess haha!

Best moment this week

I think feeling the baby move for the first time!
I have to tell you it is crazy to think by tomorrow i will be 20 weeks already! I will hopefully be more on top of posting these weekly updates! I am also working on the our journey to pregnancy post, so stay tuned, plus in a week or so we will have the big gender reveal post! :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I am linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday, it has been awhile since i have linked up!

I'm Loving:  That this sweet little furbaby of ours is going to be a BIG SISTER! We adore this little dog and she will always be our first born :) But she is very excited to meet her brother or sister in early November!
I'm Loving:  That my hubby is on summer break from school, now he is just working with no school! So that means more family time for us! I am seriously so proud of him for all he has done in the last year! I guess we can have more ice cream dates :)

I'm Loving:  I am a Type 1 Diabetic and have been for almost for 18 years, i work hard to keep my A1C down under the level it is suppose to be, but i have to say while being pregnant it is much harder to do and my A1C has been 5.9! Which is great! you can read more about what A1C is here :)

I'm Loving:  That the Farmer's Markets are open! We went to the first "big one" we have here and it was wonderful! Lots of flowers, a few fresh produce, but not much, we have been getting so much rain it is hard for anything to grow, but i am anxious to get all the goodies when they are ready!

I'm Loving: That hopefully the hubby and I are going to see Now you See Me this weekend! I hope it does not disappoint, the previews look great! Have you seen it? What did you think?

I'm Loving:  Of course i am loving my sweet hubby and Macy :)

Happy Wednesday! I hope you have a great day!

Until next time!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Update and Surprise!

I know I have been the worst blogger around for the last few months! But I promise it is all for good reason!

1. I went on vacation to Florida and we had a great time! It was cold and rainy when we left Iowa and 7 days later it was still cold and rainy, we enjoyed the 85 degree weather and the great sunshine while we were there! Can't wait to go back in a couple years! I will have a recap of the vacation soon.

2. I have been keeping quite the secret around here! Macy would LOVE to announce that she is excited to say she is going to be  A BIG SISTER! Our family is growing by 10 fingers and 10 toes! Baby Adams should be here by November 2nd or before! I am already 18 weeks, which has gone super fast so far! We are beyond thrilled to meet this little peanut! It has been a journey to get to this point and I will share more on that as I get time to blog more, since the big secret is out :) I have really felt great and can't complain at all, even if I was not feeling well I still would not complain. Yes, we will be finding out the gender of Baby Adams in a couple weeks, so please stay tuned to find out!

Isn't she the cutest dog around? She is going to be a great Big Sister

I was having a hard time keeping the secret, so that is why it was hard for me to blog! We shared the news with our immediate family at 9 weeks, I started to tell my close friends at 12 weeks, I also just shared the news with my co-workers at 14 weeks, so now the news it out and it really does feel great to share! I think it was harder for Joe to keep the secret then me :)

I am sure I will be asking many questions on things to come as my belly grows and we get ready for the arrival of Baby Adams!

Hope you have a wonderful Monday! Hopefully i can be back to regular blogging now :)

Until next time!