Thursday, February 28, 2013

Save Haven and JDRF

Last night my friend Janelle and i went to see Safe Haven, she has read the book and i have not! I have been wanting to see this but Joe was not really in the mood to watch another chick flick! haha! Janelle and I love to go to movies on Wednesday night, if you have a theatre MVP card you get a free medium popcorn on Wednesday nights! How great is that?

 Have you seen Safe Haven? Did you like it? I really enjoyed the movie, i  love to look at Josh Duhamel and also Julianne Hough was great in the movie , i loved her on Dancing with the Stars, so i thought she did a great job! Janelle recommended that i now read the book, so i told her i would, it gives me another book to add to my 101 in 1001 days! Have you read any great books lately you would like to recommend?

Seeing Safe Haven i was able to cross another thing off my 101 in 1001 days list #96 was see 10 movies in a movie theatre! I also crossed off #99 by raising money for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) As some of you know, i was diagnosed 2 days before my 13th birthday my older brother was also diagnosed when he was 8. I keep great control of my blood sugars, but i am also blessed to have dual health insurance and able to get the best care to keep me healthy. I gave myself a week to raise $500 and i surpassed that goal and was able to raise $640 dollars in a week!!!! I couldn't be happier and have a HUGE thank you to send to all my family and friends that made this goal possible! Next year i am hoping my family can have a much larger goal and all participate in the event.

I am happy it is Thursday, do you have any weekend plans that you are looking forward to? We are planning to go our indoor Farmer's Market this weekend because they are having an event, because our Community was selected to become a Blue Zones Community, have you heard of Blue Zones? You can read more about it here.

I also see i have a few new followers! Welcome, i hope you stay around to learn more about Life with the Adams! :)

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I am linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday, it has been awhile since i have done this link up.

I'm Loving:  That we are doing a wellness challenge at work, i love a little competition, so every week we get "miles" for healthy stuff that we do, they have raffle tickets you earn for doing challenges, this week's challenge is "No Fast Food for 7 consecutive days" which is very easy for me! Next week it is a attend a 30 minute fitness class at the Rec Center" I am looking forward to that challenge!

I'm Loving:  That hopefully Joe and i will be heading to Chicago in a few weeks to see these sweet girls!

Lily loves to "help" Daddy shovel

Emma is such a little pumpkin!

I'm Loving: That in a month and half my mom and i will be heading here!We are heading to Orlando for a few days and then to Fort Myers to see my aunt and her sweet little ones! Any recommendations on places to eat or things we must do?
Google images

Google Images
I'm Loving: This face wash i have been using, i was needing something new and had read some great reviews on Philosophy's Purity face wash, so i went and bought a small 3 oz bottle to try, so far i love it! What is your daily face wash routine? Do you love any other products by Philosophy?
Google Images
I'm Loving:  I just love my sweet Macy girl, i really look forward to coming home to her! Joe is home after me at night, so i get to see her first, she just makes me smile!
Here she is enjoying a snow day at home with Mom :)
Of course, I'm Loving:  My sweet husband, he is working so hard at work plus taking 3 classes at the University, so he is busy but always manages to spend time with his 2 favorite girls, Macy and I :)

One thing I'm NOT Loving:  In the store Lay's has their Vote to Save your Fave, right now, well i decided to buy a bag of the Cheesy Garlic Bread! TERRIBLE, i have an entire bag at home waiting to be taken to work, YUCK! I don't think they tasted anything like cheesy garlic bread and the garlic is overwhelming! Have you tried any? Did you like them?
Happy Wednesday!

Until next time!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

New recipe and 101 things in 1001 days

This weekend i was searching Pinterest for something easy to make and a friend of mine had suggested i pin this Chicken Biscuit recipe and try it, so i went to store to get all the items i would need and followed the recipe exactly as it says....

It looked really good, but the flavor was really not there for me, i did substitute the peas for corn because i don't like peas? I also thought the cheese was NOT a good idea it called for sharp cheddar and i thought it made the dish a little bitter with the cheese

I think if i do make this fattening dish again (haha) i will do a package of mixed veggies and also maybe add some garlic salt and pepper just to add some flavor to the dish. I thought it was easy and it would be something the kids would like, but i thought it was bland and needed some more flavor and i also thought you didn't need as much soup, it was a little runny! Haha i am sure being the critic aren't i? We once had a work bake off and i was named Melissa "can't boil water" Adams, haha i always say i can't cook or bake, so i think they thought i really couldn't but they all enjoyed my cake even though i didn't win i was still proud of myself for participating!

So all in all i am going to call this a Pinterest Fail..... just because it was not that good and i have to make too many changes to the recipe to give it a yes in my book!

I have a tab on my page of my 101 in 1001 days i am slowly making my list complete and this April i am going to be scratching a few more items off my list like Going to Disney, Para sailing and i am also hoping to to Swim with Dolphins! My mom and i have decided to take a trip to Florida to visit my aunt and while we are there we are going to spend a couple days in Orlando and hit up Disney and Sea World! I am really looking forward to it, any suggestions on places to eat and things i must see?

Also on my list i have to raise money for the American Diabetes Association so i have decided to give myself a goal of $500 in 1 week, i am raising funds for the JDRF (juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) If you are interested in helping me reach my goal this week, please feel free to donate to a cause that is near and dear to my heart, you can donate here. My brother and i were both diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, i was diagnosed 2 days before my 13th Birthday and my brother was diagnosed right before 3rd Grade started.

I guess I have rambled enough today! I will leave you with this sweet picture of Macy!
Until next time!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Identity Thief & Gone Girl

On Saturday Joe and i decided to go see a movie, not much has been out that we have wanted to see, i have been laughing at the previews of Identity Thief since it came out, how can you not love Melissa McCarthy! She is too funny!

So we went to see Identity Thief at 4:35 in the afternoon tried to save a few dollars by going to the earlier showing! I can't believe it is $9.50 to see a movie, and of course i had to get popcorn!

 I wasn't sure what to think of this movie and how is was going to go, but i thought it was funny and also i was getting so made to think that people actually do this to people who are just trying to live a "normal life" haha! I dont' want to give too many things away so i am going to leave my comments as, i enjoyed it, would see it again.

Also, have you read Gone Girl? What did you think? Were you disappointed? Did you love it? I just finished it and have been wondering what others thought about the book as well!
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! Are you doing anything to celebrate today?

Also, have you decided if you are giving anything up for Lent? If so what are you giving up? I am still deciding...

Until next time,