How is it possible that Hadley is 1 month old already! We spent the day snuggling, putting up Christmas decorations and buying a new car for daddy! Phew we had a busy day :)
Clothes: You are wearing mostly 0-3 months and some 3 month clothes, you are a long baby! So we have officially retired the newborn clothes! :(
Health: You are a great eater and at Mommy and Me class you weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces at your 4 week appointment. you are also measuring around 22 inches long we think as of the last measurements. We had an appointment with the ENT for your skin tag on your ear and we will be getting it removed in May, other than that you are a healthy little girl!
Diet: You are a good eater, you eat around every 3.5 to 4 hours during the day and you have been going around 5 hours in the night, you are strictly breastfed at this point, we do give you one bottle of breastmilk a day, your daddy feeds you because mommy pumps while he does that.
Sleep: You sleep around 3 hours at nap time and you also sleep around 5 hours at night, we are getting more awake time during the day, which has been great, we love to see your beautiful eyes and also watch you become our little person :)
Baby Gear: right now you love your baby mirror, which you love to look at while laying on the floor, you also seem to love your rock and play to lay in during the day, you are also a crib lover, you want to sleep in your crib and also like to stare at your mobile!
Likes: Baths, laying on your back looking in the mirror, swinging, snuggle time with mommy and daddy, rocking in your rocker, your sister Macy, feeding time, your crib, pacifiers and also car rides!
Dislikes: Diaper changes, being hungry and also cold diaper wipes!
We are seriously so in love with her and as much I do not want her to grow up, because we waited so long for her, we are loving watching her become her own little person! We love you so much Hadley Marie!
Happy 1 month birthday sweet girl!
Love you!
Until next time!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Baby Adams is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby Adams arrived on October 29th at 9:38 p.m. weighing 8 pounds 1.2 ounces and she is 20 inches long! It was a long day and evening for mom, dad and baby, but all is well and we would love to introduce our sweet long awaited baby girl!!
Welcome to the world Hadley Marie
We are so in love with her, we are feeling so very blessed and we are so happy to have her here healthy! We are still in the hospital and will be discharged on Tuesday November 5th, I was running a fever after i started pushing, so antibiotics were given to me and we were told Hadley would have to go to NICU after delivery to start her treatment of antibiotics, so we are here for the full 7 day dose of antibiotics, other than that, Hadley is happy and healthy and she is also everything we dreamed of and more!
Macy is anxiously awaiting to meet her baby sister, she has been laying on the swaddle blanket at night that we brought home, she is too cute! We can't wait to spend our first night at home with the 4 of us!
Until next time!
Welcome to the world Hadley Marie
Our first family picture minus Macy! <3 td="">3> |
We are so in love with her, we are feeling so very blessed and we are so happy to have her here healthy! We are still in the hospital and will be discharged on Tuesday November 5th, I was running a fever after i started pushing, so antibiotics were given to me and we were told Hadley would have to go to NICU after delivery to start her treatment of antibiotics, so we are here for the full 7 day dose of antibiotics, other than that, Hadley is happy and healthy and she is also everything we dreamed of and more!
Macy is anxiously awaiting to meet her baby sister, she has been laying on the swaddle blanket at night that we brought home, she is too cute! We can't wait to spend our first night at home with the 4 of us!
Until next time!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Bumpdate- 39 weeks last bumpdate post!!
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39 weeks: Your baby matches up to a mini-watermelon, weighing a bit over 7 pounds.
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my
favorite right now. Also, loving some sweatshirts now that the weather is slowly
cooling off at night.
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
Her movements are getting to be less and less as she dropped down and she is also running out of room! :)
Food cravings
No food cravings anymore, I am just wanting ice cold water!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either
What I miss
Nothing really, i am starting to think that nothing is worth missing to get to start this journey called parenthood with our little family of 4!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
The best moment of this week, is nothing that at 39 weeks and 3 days our long awaited sweet baby girl will be here! Also, Joe, Macy and I have been enjoying our last few days together as a family of 3, but Macy is very excited to meet her sister and we can't wait to introduce them to each other!
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
Her movements are getting to be less and less as she dropped down and she is also running out of room! :)
Food cravings
No food cravings anymore, I am just wanting ice cold water!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either
What I miss
Nothing really, i am starting to think that nothing is worth missing to get to start this journey called parenthood with our little family of 4!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
The best moment of this week, is nothing that at 39 weeks and 3 days our long awaited sweet baby girl will be here! Also, Joe, Macy and I have been enjoying our last few days together as a family of 3, but Macy is very excited to meet her sister and we can't wait to introduce them to each other!
Any last minute things you can think of that we MUST have at home before we get home after baby Adams is here!
Next post will have Baby Adams!! EEEKKKKKK
Until next time!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Bumpdate - 38 weeks
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38 weeks: Your baby, now as long as a leek, weighs nearly 7 pounds. (Length: more than 19 1/2 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Also, loving some sweatshirts now that the weather is slowly cooling off at night.
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
She still moves just not as much, but when she does she takes my breath away :)
Food cravings
No food cravings anymore, I am just wanting ice cold water!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either
What I miss
Like I said last week, not really missing much, just looking forward to meeting our sweet baby and to start this journey called parenthood with our little family of 4!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
Still having great appointments, glad that we have a delivery date in the books, we will be going into the hospital Monday the 28th for cervical tape and then they will break my water on the 29th in the morning, so we are hoping for a baby by Tuesday night! We have also slowly narrowed our name list down to about 3, so we might have a name by the time she arrives! Woohoo! :)
Until next time! Macy was tired :) Obviously my apps are still not matching up, last week it showed baby was the size of a leek, but this week the baby center app shows a leek! Oh well :)
Bumpdate- 37 weeks
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37 weeks: Your baby is as lofty as a stalk of Swiss chard and weighs 6 1/3 pounds. (Length: a bit over 19 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Also, loving some sweatshirts now that the weather is slowly cooling off at night.
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
She is still pretty busy, but slowly getting more cramped in there!
Food cravings
No real food cravings anymore, but I am starting to notice I can't eat as much at meal times, less room in my tummy for food, so I have been breaking my meals into snacks
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!
What I miss:
I do not really miss anything really, I am just ready to be able to bend over and tie my shoes and also not have sore feet, but I would not trade those things for being able to carry this baby!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
Still doing great at our NST's, we have also been really trying to get everything done at home for baby girl, along with snuggling and spending time with Macy! WE also went to the pumpkin patch this weekend and got our 4 pumpkins, now we just have to find the time to carve them before we head to the hospital on the 28th!
Until next time!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Bumpdate - 36 weeks
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36 weeks: Your baby, almost 6 pounds and still packing on the pounds at a rate of about an ounce a day, is comparable to a Crenshaw melon in size. (Length: more than 18 1/2 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Also, loving some sweatshirts now that the weather is slowly cooling off at night.
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
She moves, but since she is head down now, I think she has less room to really kick, I do get a few kicks in my lungs that take my breath away :)
Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and ice cream!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!
What I miss:
I am starting to really want a cold meat sandwich, Diet Soda and an adult beverage, so many great beers in the fall! The swelling has begun, so my feet are a little sore, but no complaints for this girl! with that being said I am missing my tennis shoes!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
At my 36 week appointment and NST, I was having contractions the entire time during the NST, so Dr thinks she will be here sooner rather than later! He said he will give me an induction date after next Friday! Joe is thinking she will be here by the 17th, I am sticking with the 25th. Also, my A1C's have been great still sticking around 5.7 so I am so happy with that, I feel like I have a done a great job at managing my diabetes and feel really good about it!
We also had our maternity pictures taken this weekend and are very excited to get them back, patiently waiting for a sneak peak :)
Joe wanted in on the picture action this month as well!!
Until next time!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Happy Birthday!
I wanted to write a quick post to wish my husband Joe a Happy Birthday! Even though i am couple days late! His birthday was Wednesday the 9th. He is seriously the best husband around, I know all wives say that :) He has patient, he is loving, calm and can make me smile when i am having a bad day, he is so in love with Baby Adams already i can't imagine how my heart is going to handle all the love he is going to show her once she is here, he is also the best daddy our little Macy can have! I can't tell you how lucky and blessed i feel to be sharing my life with this man i get to call my husband! Here are a few pictures of him!
Happy Birthday, Macy, Baby Girl and I love you to the moon and back!
Happy Birthday, Macy, Baby Girl and I love you to the moon and back!
Until next time!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Bumpdate 35- weeks
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35 weeks: Your baby, now as hefty as a honeydew melon at 5 1/4 pounds, doesn't have much room to maneuver in your belly. (Length: more than 18 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Also, loving some sweatshirts now that the weather is slowly cooling off at night.
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
She still moves after I eat, she is also on the move when I go to bed at night and she has also been preparing me for early morning feedings :)
Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and ice cream!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!
What I miss:
I am starting to really want a cold meat sandwich, Diet Soda and an adult beverage, so many great beers in the fall!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
We had our size ultrasound this week, so we were very excited to see if we could see her face! But she is already head down and face back, so no good looks at her face, but she does have hair :) She is measuring right on track and we should have an induction date this week, unless she decides to come on her own!
Any suggestions on things we MUST have for after we come home from the hospital, I feel like we have what we need, but I am sure we are forgetting things!
Until next time!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Bump date - 34 weeks
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34 weeks: Your baby has bulked up like the average cantaloupe -- to about 5 pounds. (Length: almost 18 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Also, loving some sweatshirts now that the weather is slowly cooling off at night.
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, but at this point no big deal!
She still moves after I eat, she has also started getting the hiccups which has been interesting!
Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and some muffins!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!
What I miss:
I am starting to really want a cold meat sandwich and a Diet Soda!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
Doing our weekly NST's which have been great, we get to hear that sweet heartbeat and also hear that she is doing well, anxious to have ultrasound to check for size and also see if we can see her!
Below are some of my favorite bumpdate pictures! We are seriously feeling so blessed to have this sweet baby Macy in our lives and also the sweet baby we will be meeting in a few week!
Until next time!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Bumpdate- 33 weeks
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33 weeks: Your baby is proportioned like a pineapple when it comes to weight -- a little over 4 pounds. (Length: more than 17 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes Maternity clothes and maxi dresses are my favorite right now. Still searching for comfy pants
Stretch Marks
I have a few around my middle were I took my insulin shots, I am hoping the Bio Oil and the Palmers will help, any other suggestions?
She still moves after I eat, she has also started getting the hiccups which has been interesting!
Food cravings
Still enjoying fruit and I am also enjoying some Popsicles!
Nausea, vomiting, or sickness
None. I'm SO grateful that i have not had any sickness and was not sick during the first trimester either!
What I miss:
Not really missing anything, I think I am in still in shock that we are getting so close to the end!
We are having a GIRL! :)
Best moment this week:
We had our 2nd NST and everything has been great, she cooperates and is doing great! I am anxious to see her on the ultrasound machine in a couple weeks! I am still feeling blessed by all the wonderful gifts we have received from our friends and family!
Macy was not interested in having her picture taken! |
Joe has been using the heating pad and Macy has fallen in love with it, so after we turn it off, she wants to lay on it, she is so sweet, I just love her! |
The sweet card that made me cry and the flowers the hubby surprised me with on our anniversary, he is sure a keeper :) |
Monday, September 23, 2013
Happy Anniversary! 6 years of wedded bliss!
6 years ago yesterday on a beautiful day September 22, 2007, i walked down the aisle to say "I Do" to the person who is my best friend and the love of my life!
As we were busy this weekend getting stuff ready for Baby Adams we really reflected on the last 6 years of our lives! We have had many ups and some downs, but through it all we have stuck together and our love has only grown! I can't imagine my life without Joe, he is truly an amazing man, he adores me and Macy and will soon be smitten with his daughter! He works 40+ hours a week, goes to school and he also never complains to do anything around the house, i don't know how i got so lucky! I always thought you could never love your husband more than you did on the day you got married, but let me tell you my heart grows and falls more and more in love with him everyday! I am so excited for the next 100 years with him :)
We spent the weekend just the 3 of us, Macy loves it when we have family time! She is so happy to have us both home, we spent Saturday morning at the last farmer's market of the year, it was pretty chilly, she had to wear her coat :) Next summer as we hit the farmer's market we will be there with our 2 girlies and we couldn't be happier!
I woke up on Sunday morning to a beautiful bouquet of roses and the sweetest card the Joe gave me which of course i turned into a sobbing mess, he really does make me feel special and knows me so well!
So enough about the mushy stuff, here we were 6 years ago on a beautiful last day of summer! Happy Anniversary Joe! I love you to the moon and back!
Here is a picture of what i woke up to on Sunday morning! #lovehim #6yearsofweddedbliss #togetherfor11years
Until next time!
As we were busy this weekend getting stuff ready for Baby Adams we really reflected on the last 6 years of our lives! We have had many ups and some downs, but through it all we have stuck together and our love has only grown! I can't imagine my life without Joe, he is truly an amazing man, he adores me and Macy and will soon be smitten with his daughter! He works 40+ hours a week, goes to school and he also never complains to do anything around the house, i don't know how i got so lucky! I always thought you could never love your husband more than you did on the day you got married, but let me tell you my heart grows and falls more and more in love with him everyday! I am so excited for the next 100 years with him :)
We spent the weekend just the 3 of us, Macy loves it when we have family time! She is so happy to have us both home, we spent Saturday morning at the last farmer's market of the year, it was pretty chilly, she had to wear her coat :) Next summer as we hit the farmer's market we will be there with our 2 girlies and we couldn't be happier!
I woke up on Sunday morning to a beautiful bouquet of roses and the sweetest card the Joe gave me which of course i turned into a sobbing mess, he really does make me feel special and knows me so well!
So enough about the mushy stuff, here we were 6 years ago on a beautiful last day of summer! Happy Anniversary Joe! I love you to the moon and back!
Here is a picture of what i woke up to on Sunday morning! #lovehim #6yearsofweddedbliss #togetherfor11years
Until next time!
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